Hey there, folks!
In order to create the community designed to best suit us all, this thread will act as an archive for suggestions to implement into the site, as well as a thread to facilitate discussion for those suggestions. To be abundantly clear, this thread concerns in absolutely no way the game itself, Pokemon Reborn. Instead, this is the place to voice your opinion with what to add to or change about the site, forums, and possible bugs users may have found. Included with the suggestion or bug is the user's name and date of posting (Post numbers are included if greater detail or images are involved). Now, let's get the rudiments out of the way.
Suggestions and discussion are to be discussed in this thread; going off topic a great deal will result in appropriate punishment. Head to the Onyx Arcade for fun instead. Keep conversation constructive and on-track.
Because suggestions to be made and bugs found may occur at unknown time periods, necroposting in this thread is not an offense so long as the content being brought up is new and not yet discussed.
Other baselines may be added here, if necessary.
Site/Forum Suggestions
NOTE! The suggestions have been broken down further. If the suggestion requires editing to the way the site functions, requires intense use of HTML, or is otherwise unable to be added at this time due to other limitations, it will be added to the spoiler below this section.
Basic Suggestions: Last updated on 12/9/16
Advanced Suggestions: (Features requiring great time, resources, or projects unable to be added at this time) Last updated on 30/6/17
Site Discussion Last updated on 9/21/16
Site/Forum Bugs Last updated on 12/9/16
Server Suggestions/Maintenance Last updated on 2/5/17
Previous/Implemented/Discarded Suggestions