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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Damn, you're a long-time veteran. In comparison, I'm just a Child. hue Enjoy your time here.
  2. You used a period instead of a comma after "Ahem". In addition to taking someone's introduction, you're losing karma points. Find a way to set apart your introduction and they'll truly be unique. Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  3. Yo, that's awesome. As for being too much, perhaps users can submit banner designs and the community can vote on banners to use. That's outstanding. Added to the OP.
  4. I believe the conversion rate is $1 = $R100. Change to Grand Hall. Also, other methods to obtain R$ are through receiving it from others and, in the past, getting a donation from Ame on one's birthday. Great thread. I'll post around and get back with details. Nightclub posts are worth R$15 ; )
  5. I could see that being expanded to include scrolls, spoilers, and media brace (,[,{ buttons.
  6. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  7. Understood. This is the planning/discussion place for suggestions made in the public thread, then? That could work.
  8. I second this, as Hughes isn't an alchemist.
  9. Gotcha. Though, now that both this and the Grand Hall thread is open, I'm not sure what use for this. I'll add that suggestion to the public Maintenance thread.
  10. I'm uncertain that can be changed. I understand what you mean, since searching for people with three-letter names (or nicknames) is not possible. Adding that to the OP.
  11. Yeah, we're real kind. And fun. Modest, too. Gloating aside, welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  12. There's one great fix and another potentially good one. You can press the X found in the upper right corner of anyone's signature to remove that particular signature or remove everyone's completely. On the other hand, if you see signatures that are too long, report that user for having too long a signature. (5- No long signatures- the limit is two trainer card heights' not counting the card itself.)
  13. This week's super smooth, super chillax setlist is up.

  14. What else could convey the Search bar's purpose in the small amount of space there is except with the word "Search"? One improvement I can think of would be, in addition to having the search bar there, linking users to the Search Form page below the Search Bar. The Search Form page can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search
  15. The Search Bar literally says "Search" on it, so I'm uncertain how to improve on it, but I'll edit the OP.
  16. Hey there, folks! In order to create the community designed to best suit us all, this thread will act as an archive for suggestions to implement into the site, as well as a thread to facilitate discussion for those suggestions. To be abundantly clear, this thread concerns in absolutely no way the game itself, Pokemon Reborn. Instead, this is the place to voice your opinion with what to add to or change about the site, forums, and possible bugs users may have found. Included with the suggestion or bug is the user's name and date of posting (Post numbers are included if greater detail or images are involved). Now, let's get the rudiments out of the way. Suggestions and discussion are to be discussed in this thread; going off topic a great deal will result in appropriate punishment. Head to the Onyx Arcade for fun instead. Keep conversation constructive and on-track. Because suggestions to be made and bugs found may occur at unknown time periods, necroposting in this thread is not an offense so long as the content being brought up is new and not yet discussed. Other baselines may be added here, if necessary. Site/Forum Suggestions NOTE! The suggestions have been broken down further. If the suggestion requires editing to the way the site functions, requires intense use of HTML, or is otherwise unable to be added at this time due to other limitations, it will be added to the spoiler below this section. Basic Suggestions: Last updated on 12/9/16 Advanced Suggestions: (Features requiring great time, resources, or projects unable to be added at this time) Last updated on 30/6/17 Site Discussion Last updated on 9/21/16 Nothing~ Site/Forum Bugs Last updated on 12/9/16 Server Suggestions/Maintenance Last updated on 2/5/17 Previous/Implemented/Discarded Suggestions
  17. The discussion would remain in that thread, likely in the Grand Hall. Because it will be completely open, everyone has the liberty to put forth their suggestions. There's certainly plenty of things people want to see on the site, but have no place to give input. As such, enforcement is required. Thank you,Tacos. I expect the thread would be busiest and most troll-targeted while it's still new. That said, over time, it should become little to no problem to enforce. Anyone with the ability to edit the OP who wants to add something certainly can.
  18. You can't just end FMA like that...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. zimvader42


      Hmm, I guess I'll give it a try. I want to cry over even more anime characters, apparently.

      Thanks Elf.

    3. Felicity


      Welcome, you'll have to tell me if it's true to see if my fears are warranted xD

    4. zimvader42


      Apparently tere are 4 mangas and a 2-season anime.

      Alright, sunday, you and me are gonna do this, wether you like it or not.

  19. Edited the OP to reflect that banned users can still be reported via their posts. Thanks for confirmation, Jericho! Two more things: First, Tempest made the suggestion that Sprite Shop items should have resale value and that they can be sold after being purchased. Anyone on board with this? Second, and this has been brought up in the past, but I've been toying with the idea- a public site suggestions thread. It will be made abundantly clear in the OP that non-serious suggestions are to be discarded and the user warned. Of course, moderation of the thread is a necessity. Could anyone assist?
  20. Welcome! You've certainly had this account for a while. Good to see it's in use. Enjoy your time here!
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