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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  2. I'll add it to the OP, but that may come down to what we're limited to with the site. If avatars already fitted with transparent backgrounds are selected for use, is the transparent part colored white? The only other solution I can think of would be taking a screenshot of the gray color behind your avatar, finding that color in HTML, and painting/filling the background of your current avatar that color.
  3. Arkhi


    It doesn't help anyone when your topic title is unrelated to what you mean to say in the thread. Keep it on topic if you want the most immediate aid.
  4. Breaking news! Ark sees another disturbing food ad on Skype: http://prntscr.com/6mulk1

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      THe only reason this sucks... everyone in the skype group says that is what my laugh sounds like... so... this is weird for me too.

    3. Commander


      Quick, someone change his name to Doughidon (I'm too broke).

  5. Arkhi

    guess who

    Shouldn't you be welcoming us? Hi there. You should stay awhile.
  6. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! I've already posted this for someone. Get on my level.
  7. YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO Bonjour! Good to see you enjoy the difficulty of Reborn. You'll come out a better trainer by playing it. Anyway, enjoy your time here!
  8. 'ayyy, it's that dude with the Chespin avi. Glad to have you here!
  9. Welcome! Sounds like you know your games. Enjoy your time here! Have we been watching Cr1tikal?
  10. If you have the game's editor, you could give yourself anything, I suppose. The issue would be obtaining the editor. And even then, that can seriously mess up your save file if you go about using it wrong.
  11. Every once in a while, my brother suggests to me a pretty great song. Now that I think about it, he listens to more music than me and know more references ._.
  12. Edited the OP to include Qaaz's suggestion and put Site Bugs under a spoiler, as they're typically not fixable.
  13. This week's setlist is up! I managed to compile around half an hour's worth of sweet, sweet ear candy. Enjoy!

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh shit... I knew I frogot something... I guess I will just wait til Tuesday then to not have to change the day for mine lol.

    2. Arkhi


      For the love of Music, Hukuna...

      "C'mon, step it up!"

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hey man, Sensei is a busy guy. ((that and a lot of other stuff was on my mind this week so.. I just didn't get around to it.))

  14. Sejuani, I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down.
  15. Arkhi


    Or find a Shelmet and give it a Link Stone.
  16. Awesome artwork from DeadSlug titled "Level Up". Check out their DeviantArt!
  17. I know you like this, so this is a one-time exception for using this. Convenient it's also your one-year anniversary~ I'm glad to see you're still kickin'.
  18. Arkhi


    Upper, upperer, uppermost to the left. And for that reason, I'm posting this following song. Welcome, and enjoy your time here!
  19. Welcome! Sure, we look chill, but we've got a partying side. The Radio is one place to use that energy. Anyway, enjoy your time here!
  20. This page is a page filled with outstanding music. More so than usual. I've been in a Sizzlebird mood lately
  21. Arkhi


    Yes, forums are an excellent source of social nutrition. Chow down & eat up.
  22. Welcome! Glad we can assist you through your trudging expedition through Reborn. Enjoy your time here!
  23. Welcome. Good to see another well-versed with their grammar. Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48eIk2Qdrlc
  24. Welcome! Arceus has been a pretty big challenge for everyone, so managing to take it down is a feat. Anyway, enjoy your time here!
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