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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5vFoY2PzSY
  2. When things don't feel right, I've learned to flip them completely. Instead, try caring more about what people think. That will make praise you receive all the sweeter. Certainly, the negativity stings more, but there's no feeling like acknowledgement. Play a match without trying too hard and see if you can't have more fun than kick ass. If you play for the thrill of victory, then there's not really any way around that except giving it your all. Still, the results you get from a well-earned victory will shoot you full of dopamine. Shake things up and experiment with them.
  3. So long as the thread doesn't turn into a debate, I don't see anything wrong with it. 1) 11 years 2) RPG 3) Sure 4) Yes 5) Never 6) Not once frequently 7) Tough questions last, huh? No. This topic seems minute enough not to weigh in terms of being ethical. Whether it's beneficial is another story. But to answer, no. Good luck with your survey!
  4. Me x Headphones srs gys, General Fuzz brings us together.
  5. Well, you're well over half the wrong amount of warning points, so...
  6. Arkhi


    Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  7. Welcome! helixisn'tthetruegod Enjoy your time here!
  8. You're well-versed, so you know the drill. Enjoy your time here!
  9. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXdEPgVD55Q
  10. Welcome! I like you already. There's no doubt you'll find your place here quickly. Enjoy your time here!
  11. That's a good example. A new user who doesn't know the site layout may think the report button pertains to the post below instead of the one above. Without knowing that it applies to the post above, there's no way to do. I know what I mean, but I guess my explanation isn't ringing bells. I tried including a pic, but that didn't work for me, so I'll try again. Edit: Posting a screenshot of the report feature doesn't work. For whatever reason, the "image type" is rejected.
  12. Don't forget Nyu. That's a very clear reference.
  13. What I imply is that those doing the reporting have no way of guaranteeing the post in question is the one being reported; when users report, they can only see the thread containing the topic being reported. There's no certainty unless that thread has only one post.
  14. So, now that I finally stopped personally bugging mods used the Report button, I can suggest an improvement. While the Report page does show the thread containing the post in question, there is no confirmation which post is being reported. For that reason, if someone somehow makes a mistake and reports the wrong user, that could be annoying(?) towards the auth or cast a light on the one doing the reporting to be screwing around with the Report button, which puts them at risk of being warned. I suggest, if possible, including the post in the Report page so that confirmation can be made. Additionally, on that note, and while it should go without saying, the rules should include that abuse of the Report button is an offense. This is assuming that that is a warning-worthy offense. If some auth can confirm this is warning-worthy, I'll add it onto the Suggestions list.
  15. Welcome! No need to; when you update to a new episode, you need only go to the same location the previous episode ended and go to the entrance/exit through which you saw the spoiler for the next episode. Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HJrjnqLm2Q
  16. I'm supposed to be doing math homework, but I'm trying to remember what song this reminds me of. It's so beautiful and I just wanna zzzzz
  17. Edited the OP. I've got my fingers crossed in hopes that enormous signatures are finally a thing of the past.
  18. Welcome! Interesting, uh... Interesting username. Anyway, enjoy your time here!
  19. Welcome! Seeing as you're a trooper, I trust you'll stick through the gross part of this song, if the rest catches your interest. Maybe you'll even see the message Porter meant to convey~ Enjoy your time here!
  20. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  21. Arkhi


    That's actually hilarious and you should copyright that~
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