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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Arkhi

    Just asking

    But really, he's the glue that keeps this community together.
  2. The mobile version loads on my iPod Touch, but not my cell (Moto X). Sounds like iOS loads the mobile version.
  3. Welcome! I recall you posting in the Reborn Symphony thread, but, uh... That's kinda dead. x: Sorry about that. Anyway, I wish you a healthy recovery! Enjoy your time here!
  4. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  5. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! I hope you enjoyed your battle with Serra. For as ironic as it is, she really is just a warm-up. You'll enjoy the upcoming fight.
  6. Yesss, thank you Mael. Do you know who made the art?
  7. Whoops. Here's a refresher to keep the topic relevant. There is a group called the International Maple Syrup Institute, created in order to "promote and protect pure maple syrup and other pure maple products". http://www.internationalmaplesyrupinstitute.com/about-us.html
  8. You chose a sprite with sad eyes. If it were different, then Pigethyst would look outstanding.
  9. Welcome! You'll want to pick up Espurr from Peridot and evolve that Bidoof so you can trade it for a special something. Enjoy your time here!
  10. People will still be people. It might work if people choose to change their skin color to a more vivid one.
  11. That is the coolest infinity scarf. I just might steal this...
  12. If Ame goes with the old map design, it doesn't look that way. We'd only see Tourmaline, Ametrine, Labradorra, and the haze from Reborn City.
  13. I dunno. I guess that means... Because you muted me for no reason >:I
  14. Petition to make Mael a mod again so he can access and leak the diary.
  15. There's several fog effects that might give a sense of elevation if mixed with the old, panoramic view. I gotta agree with you, though; the old view was nicer.
  16. Welcome! You've got the pep to stand out here and the passion to fit right in. Enjoy your time here! Atok doesn't like Sylveon, wat do?
  17. Needs more activity One swell day,
  18. I think this one fits you. You'd want to crop it a bit, though. Sometimes the pic loads, sometimes it doesn't. Here's the direct link instead. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=47797593
  19. I've asked about that before. Apparently, that's intentional.
  20. A list of moderators, admins, and other auth would be helpful, but that could be abused if trolls become use it.
  21. Maybe it's not that they weren't included by choice, but rather they couldn't be incorporated for whatever reason.
  22. Few, if any, knew about the "This forum lead by" thing at the bottom of some forums. The site's still got a few secrets from us, I'm sure.
  23. Bottom right, outside of the lighter shade of gray. It's hidden, so it's tricky to see. That's exactly what I referred to. I couldn't find that for whatever reason yesterday.
  24. Does no one use Gardevoir's theme? Because that Sceptile looks jazzin'.
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