Welcome! I recall you posting in the Reborn Symphony thread, but, uh... That's kinda dead. x: Sorry about that. Anyway, I wish you a healthy recovery! Enjoy your time here!
Welcome! Enjoy your time here! I hope you enjoyed your battle with Serra. For as ironic as it is, she really is just a warm-up. You'll enjoy the upcoming fight.
Here's a refresher to keep the topic relevant. There is a group called the International Maple Syrup Institute, created in order to "promote and protect pure maple syrup and other pure maple products".
There's several fog effects that might give a sense of elevation if mixed with the old, panoramic view. I gotta agree with you, though; the old view was nicer.
I think this one fits you. You'd want to crop it a bit, though.
Sometimes the pic loads, sometimes it doesn't. Here's the direct link instead. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=47797593
Bottom right, outside of the lighter shade of gray. It's hidden, so it's tricky to see.
That's exactly what I referred to. I couldn't find that for whatever reason yesterday.