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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. When I first joined, I had no idea who that was. Now I do. 9/10
  2. The Scrapyard's design is outstanding. Even just the background image is incredible on its own. Could you include just the background image on its own? Really, that simple design makes me jealous.
  3. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! Huh... This song is more wub-y than I remember.
  4. Is the misspelling of "Canon" in the title intentional, then? hue This is certainly an interesting theory, but some points are quite a stretch, such as the power shutoff in the Railnet. After all, Reborn is a broken city, so that makes sense for the underground to not be top-knotch.
  5. A little bit of pixie dust with crossed fingers will work. Or ask whomever we got the site design/layout from? That sounds like it would be a lengthy process, though...
  6. "Okay" would be an understatement. You're totally rockin' that wavy hair. I still need a scarf-ish pic.
  7. Perfect! Then your guide really should be placed in the Game Download page under "System Requirements" for reference. I'll reflect this as I edit. On the note of updating the main site, someone should update the main site. Only eight badges, what is this? Editing the OP now.
  8. To hell with modesty. You wrote a great guide that more people need to read, else they miss out on the game, as you mentioned, or run into game-breaking bugs. Editing the OP now. Edit: Also, if possible, you should go through the guide and see if any adjustments need be made. For each release, a patch may be required to allow the game to run on Mac.
  9. Welcome! The color black brings Proem to my mind, so there's that. Enjoy your time here!
  10. Edited the OP to reflect that ascending lists aren't really ascending. (Check the last Site Bug)
  11. By jove, I've done it!

    1. Sonikku


      listen to this with it lmao

    2. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      Holy smokes... That's the funkiest .gif ever O_O

  12. This is a bit of a blind jab, but I think it fits.
  13. I did about a month ago, but never referred you to the song. Thus, here it is.
  14. Welcome! I'd post DMB's song Crash Into Me, but that's already popular enough, so let's get straight to the energy. Enjoy your time here!
  15. Welcome! It's a crime for me not to post a song from GalaxyMusic's channel after seeing the thread title. Everyone here has got problems, inside and out, diagnosed or not, so fret not over your health. Enjoy your time here!
  16. ALRIGHT LET'S GO Congratulations, Mike & Dan! You two are outstanding!
  17. There are three files in the folder titled Game. Open the .exe file, which has a logo next to it and reads "Application" nearby.
  18. Creating these danged threads
  19. Depends on what time the DJs want. Since we're hosting the event, we get to pick the time collectively. What hour on which days suits you best?
  20. So, the end of January will soon be at hand. That means we need our first *normal* monthly jam session. What days work best for you all during the weekend? Friday the 30th, Saturday the 31st ,or Sunday February 1st? Additionally, a head count for the number of people interested in DJing that weekend would help to measure out how long the event will last. If you're interested in acting as DJ for the party, post a reply and I (or another, if they'd like to lead this project this month) will compile a list of all DJs willing to play their sets that day/evening. Let's make this count!
  21. Can you write an epic detailing your events in Reborn over the years?
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