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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. so like what if we all got together and watched old Bill Nye episodes

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi


      I am also how you say

      down to clown.

    3. Hexagoen



    4. Personthing


      I'd be 1000% down for this.

  2. ......Wow, I'm impressed. And then it has Enemy Approaching, hello? That is amazing.
  3. ...in which the "high-quality rip" is actually really really really nice.
  4. ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ SSD ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ

  5. Welcome! The party isn't over til the game is complete, so you're 100% welcome to join. Enjoy your time here.
  6. This week's playlist is up!

  7. Alpine Ibexes climb nearly 90 degree angles to lick salt deposits of mountainsides. They crave that mineral.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dan2


      it was 2014 anD STOP THE MEME NEEDS TO DIE

    3. Ironbound


      More proof that memes are brain-dead and have no appreciable logic whatsoever.

    4. Guzam


      ^ More proof that some people actually think this classifies as a "meme." Not saying memes aren't brain-dead, but this never should've been a fad in the first place.

  8. Izzard <3 I can't follow up with anything more relaxing than that, you've won.
  9. Welcome to Reborn. Hope you enjoy your time here!
  10. I'm unsure where this comes from. Users may have avatars of whatever size they'd like- so long as the Profile Picture handler properly sizes an image, then there is no problem. Users' signatures may be of the length of three trainer cards: that is, the size of two and then the trainer card itself, if a user has one.
  11. Welcome. Love the profile picture, you'll find plenty of other appreciators of it around here. Enjoy your time here!
  12. accurate representation of how i feel today

  13. ...and it only took me two years to put together the words "mod" and "bod".
  14. Been a while since I tapped into AE.
  15. It's like that one time with Tacos.
  16. I take it you're a fan of Mirror's Edge, if you're into Lisa Miskovsky and Solar Fields- and that's awesome, Solar Fields is absolutely incredible.
  17. Please remember that we still have a Pokemon Sun & Moon spoiler lock enacted. Read this for details: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showannouncement=11

  18. Arkhi


    I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. This is the fine line between a meme and unnecessary posting, so let's not dance on the edge of the volcano.
  19. I cannot grasp the true form of yee

    1. Hycrox


      Just look at this photogryeeph~

    2. dan2
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