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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Welcome! Your current avatar reminds me of a retired forum member who used Greninja as his first avatar as well. You put out a similar vibe, as well. At any rate, enjoy your stay! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtXygwRe3-U Also, this is the 1000th topic in this forum. You win!
  2. Welcome! Enjoy your stay! I meant to post THIS song.
  3. The DJ party begins at 22:00 (10:00PM) EST (19:00 [7:00PM] PST)! So, about two hours from now.
  4. "And on this day, the stars went out."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arkhi


      I was 80% shiny, for what it's worth.

    3. Shamitako


      Oh come now, you shone so bright you were blue in the face

    4. Arkhi


      I certainly hope I'm no smurf.

  5. Welcome! Worry not about the topic of your posts. The community is flexible and willing to assist you as needed. Enjoy your time here!
  6. How do you turn down kindness without being an asswagon? ;_; I edited my real birthday on my account. Thanks for the account birthday wishes! ^.^
  7. I'm going to leave this here. I mean no offense except to Fern himself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuWljYV1JhQ
  8. Google's 2014 video uses a Porter Robinson song <3

  9. hmm... What about Sootopolis' bug in Ruby/Sapphire? You should know what I mean~ At any rate, welcome! It's good to see someone else here acknowledge Ping Pong once in a while. Reminds me of this: Enjoy your stay!
  10. Ignore the "latest visitors" list you may or may not have refreshed recently ._. I haven't been watching you. Have a song
  11. Now I'm not the birthday fairy, but... Have an awesome birthday, Flux! i still cant forgive you for editing Atok Niiro's photos though
  12. How does 10:00PM EST on the 31st sound?
  13. Muk with Surf and Discharge, anyone? Abra with a really cool helmet? It's just not fair.
  14. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FU- I'll have to say no. @Flux or
  15. As Cowtao hinted at, this week is certainly special. Why not celebrate the year's last Monday with some awesome tunes? Simply check out Cowtao's profile or mine and listen in!

    1. Meruem


      because no one likes mondays?

    2. Arkhi


      Precisely. Celebrate the end of this year's weekly hatred.

  16. I've discussed this issue before. As far as I can remember, we don't yet have the capabilities to do this. One possible remedy is to post a reply saying "Post #x has been updated." This would bump the thread to the top. However, only Aces can delete their own replies, I believe. While moderators, staff, or admins could be asked to delete posts, it would be a hassle for threads in which particular posts are being updated frequently. The current setup seems the most effective without making an incredible change to the site's layout.
  17. As if a herd of too many deranged landsharks wasn't enough to inspire brown pants, the head of the group- the Garchomp- mega-evolved. Gale prepared himself for battle by calling over Bugger. He also took back his shirt from Ammy. "Sorry girl. But we've got a fight coming and you're our trump card." He hoped she had some moves with which to keep the oncoming threat at bay. "Bugger, set up some Sand Tombs! We'll fortify what we can to prepare for the fight!" The Sandile lazily got to work, digging sand-moat hybrids. Once a Gible or Gabite stepped through, it would get stuck and the group can take them out one by one. It was a genius plan from a genius man. "Amarantha, if you've got Fairy moves, now's the time to fire away. In the meantime, Gale reached for a Poke Ball from his belt, leaving him with just one left. This would have to count. As everyone else was unloading firepower, Gale was looking for a Gabite that was frozen, burnt, or had some sort of status leaving it in a critical state.
  18. That's pretty sweet. I've got to get back into the flow of the game, so... US Region Forest III Normal Day 5 Players Server Time: 99 Server and Password: Reborn and agate Edit: Server closed. Man, it's been a while.
  19. Welcome! Seeing as your favorite generation is 4, I can't allow the chance to post this get away. Enjoy your stay!
  20. @Jericho ya petit crotchhead
  21. Welcome! The soundtrack certainly is awesome. I'm sure you've heard this one plenty of times. Give it another listen. Anyway, enjoy your stay!
  22. Arkhi

    Hello all!

    Welcome! I recall always walking into my biotech class last year listening to this song, so it fits. Enjoy your stay!
  23. Merry Eat-Too-Much-and-Pass-Out.

    1. Meruem


      omg yes merry that

  24. Good thread. Have a good song. You've always got too much energy, like Feint.
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