As if a herd of too many deranged landsharks wasn't enough to inspire brown pants, the head of the group- the Garchomp- mega-evolved. Gale prepared himself for battle by calling over Bugger. He also took back his shirt from Ammy. "Sorry girl. But we've got a fight coming and you're our trump card." He hoped she had some moves with which to keep the oncoming threat at bay. "Bugger, set up some Sand Tombs! We'll fortify what we can to prepare for the fight!" The Sandile lazily got to work, digging sand-moat hybrids. Once a Gible or Gabite stepped through, it would get stuck and the group can take them out one by one. It was a genius plan from a genius man. "Amarantha, if you've got Fairy moves, now's the time to fire away. In the meantime, Gale reached for a Poke Ball from his belt, leaving him with just one left. This would have to count. As everyone else was unloading firepower, Gale was looking for a Gabite that was frozen, burnt, or had some sort of status leaving it in a critical state.