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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. when is #sinnohconfirmed?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Felicity


      meanwhile i will fuse with twerkterra and shake my ass all over the region

    3. Vinny


      send me pics

    4. Felicity


      Is a video a sufficient substitute?

  2. Arkhi


    So I just finished The War Within and it was kinda neat. I'm not a fan of the stereotypically poor voice acting in MMOs, but TWW wasn't so bad- finding out about Teshin was very cool, since he's an interesting character. To anyone else who has completed it, what choices did you make and how did they influence the outcome?
  3. The fastest species of penguin is the Gentoo Penguin, which can reach swimming speeds up to 22 mph.
  4. When the community release of Episode 16 is released, it will be downloadable through an announcement on the new site's Community Announcements sub-forum.
  5. pulp doesn't even sound like a word anymore

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Vinny


      It's an awful day outside

      Gazelles are singing, gazelles are blooming

      Fuck this.

    3. Arkhi
  6. We've got 20+ year olds and an ancient 40+ year old friend- I would not sweat the spare details of age here. I'm glad the game has been to your liking so far.
  7. HE'S TOTALLY INTO HOUSE NOW IM SO HAPPY Thank you, Vinny! \o/ can't think of anything new, so here's what I'm currently listening to.
  8. One setup in threads allows users to pose questions. Answers may be upvoted and marked as helpful (similar to the system with Yahoo answers). Do you mean an alert for Staff members upon a user's upvote of another's post, thread status, etc? I do know there is the pressing concern of users farming EXP, which is why auth interactivity with users and their EXP is key in preventing an unhealthy amount of upvoting. This is also why we will have the power to modify users' EXP. This is as new an enterprise for the passerby user as the frequent user, as the ace member, as the auth. We will likely be tweaking the system as we traverse it.
  9. have a slippin dippin birthday careful not to slip while you dip edit:
  10. Please remember that we have a Pokemon Sun & Moon spoiler lock enacted. Please read http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showannouncement=11

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maelstrom


      NO MERCY!!!


    3. Godot


      Also keep in mind that Europe is getting the game a week late... and our European base is huge here.

    4. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Let the games begin

  11. Most fun I've had watching a music video in a while.
  12. This week's playlist is up!

  13. AC avatar ft. katars- now that's legit. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  14. 100% worth more. If you want people to know you as Moon-Moon, then I guess this is one way to do that.
  15. Hacksaw Ridge was great. Now my brother is all pumped up and he's taking graveyard shifts for his EMR job.

  16. Spider on the wall, spider on the wall, it began to crawl, so now it's dead.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      Yes! Eliminate the arachnid menace comrade Arhki; we shall liberate the earth from their kind!

    3. Ironbound
    4. Maelstrom


      *smacks Ark upside the head*

  17. oh hey, a new ringtone, thank you Also yes, Thrixe really brought out the good stuff there. Here is a throwback to even more of Thrixe's best <3 holy shitti spighitti, that first song is nuts
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