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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Welp. School's closed due to flooding.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi


      I had school, so it's good. However, some work I could only complete at school, so


    3. AuthorReborn


      Row, row, row your boat, gently down the road. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a nightmare for anyone who can't swim.

    4. Maelstrom


      Unless you want lifeguard-sempai to notice you.

  2. It's settled: I'm wearing a beanie in tomorrow's monsoon.

  3. You did that just to kill my hope of finding some sort of retort. I can't say e5', since e is still constant -.- Still, he said "labwork", insinuating that this work was done in a laboratory, typically suited for scientific purposes more so than mathematical. TIL this feeling:
  4. Checkmate <3 It was "Tao's the one wearing the headphones in this relationship". This would be a fun undertaking. When finals end next week, I'll get to it if I don't forget. So if that thread isn't yet made, someone hit me up. I might even need help ^.^
  5. Welcome! You'll enjoy the place & us denizens here. It is my obligation to provide you with a song and assure you that others shall arrive shortly to give you a tour of the forums. Enjoy!
  6. Awyeh. I can't explain, but I've always associated this particular song with you. The other was just for fun.
  7. Oh, this hasn't happened yet. Me x Posting Music On that topic, if I were to give you a theme Hukuna, it would be...
  8. it's in my signature, why can't people spell it :'c This is the uncropped version. When I changed yours, it was cropped so the text was gone.
  9. Now that you mentioned it... HNNNNNNGH At some point, I probably had two avatars of Max.
  10. c: Do it. @Fush (Sounds like fish)
  11. You asked only one question. Plus, this is better suited in the Grand Hall, as it concerns the site and questions about the site. As for the logo, that may just be html for the site's banner.
  12. Good thing Blind Guardian is here c: He shall escort you to prosperity & good fortune.
  13. It's a bit conspicuous you have one "GG avatar". But that's simply a coincidence. Gardevoir has her own account. And she acts on her own accord. Right?
  14. Why you keep changing this post, what even what?
  15. For this to be a thing, spoilers will be essential, if each picture is uploaded separately. I don't have a problem, you have a problem with me maybe having a problem.
  16. We could have listened to other music forever!
  17. What even what? I mean, guitars are nice, but... That's a lot.
  18. By the sound of it, you're telling me "In your dreams".
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