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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Yeah, that happens. If someone else is going for a kill, I let them be, but if no one is within range, I take it. If someone's life is at stake, go for the snipe.
  2. This week's setlist is up. Happy soundtrack week.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arkhi


      It's about 26-28 minutes, I believe.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I know, so much music lol. I will get trough it sometime today lol...I think.

    4. GotWala


      And here it is! Thank you for your services once more, Arkhidon!

  3. Welcome. Here's a theme I imagine suits a fight well. Ignore the dubstep part. It's not got enough wubs.
  4. So I played against Teemo. I understand now ;_; It was horrible. On the plus side, I'm halfway there to purchasing Braum.
  5. I'm shipped with Cowtao and Notus, as well as you. So you are the first lady. This makes me want to try lolwut juice.
  6. (+I like this thread c:) +It's the end of the week ++New Coldplay album title released +/-The name is corny
  7. Same here. In their goodbye, they quoted Born Alone ;_;
  8. For a god, Hades was not good with empathy. "Do what you want," Keaton said simply. "I can't- won't kill someone."
  9. Now two of my RP characters have killed someone/thing and felt regret for it.
  10. Of damn, well course Hades would cause trouble in this way. From behind cover, Keaton could hear Hades aggravate and call out the patrols in the two rooms. He couldn't tell if guards came from both rooms, but however and whoever was coming, they ran quick. Daring not peek his head out, Keaton lied in wait, calming himself, slowing his breath, checking the magazine in his gun. Six shots before he would need a new mag. Hades looped the corner, giving him a wink. Next came the guards. Three ran straight ahead and after Hades. Those three would be his work in this job. One of the patrols seemed to stop at the turn and set up for firing some high-power carbine. The remaining two were unaccounted for. Keaton hypothesized they were watching the heavy gunman's back. All of this was thought and more within the passing of a fraction of a second. I stood in a gray room with metallic walls. Of course, this isn't the real world, simply a projection of my thoughts in an easy-to-understand format. On one wall was a green outline of me, holding the gun in the exact position as before. Before coming here? It mattered not. Panning up above my outline, I saw a light, providing illumination for the gunman with the carbine. He could be shot with my personal gun, right in the neck. The rubber could pierce into, but not through his skin, knocking him out. If not, then the shock would give me a chance to take his gun and kick him unconscious. The issue lies with the other guards, then. Keaton tried panning around the corner, outside of his view, but could not see. Only the physical realm was his limit to planning. Without being able to know where the guards were, he couldn't plan. Perhaps Hades could knock them out. Yes, that would work, should he return in time. Keaton re-entered full consciousness, again bewildered at his power. But amazement could wait. As he heard the gunman slowing his breath, Keaton turned the corner and shot the man. However, he wore armor. As expected, the man was dazed at being shot, though physically unharmed. In that chance, Keaton rushed over, kicking the man right in the face and grabbing his rifle before turning back around the corner after hearing the other men shout at him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. Damn it all," Keaton said, holstering his pistol, knowing the next step. The pistol would not fire quick enough to take the two experienced foes out. Tears began to well up in both eyes as Keaton flipped the safety, turned the corner, and fired away. Bullets entered the guards, leaving a red spray behind them, as if a sign for him to stop shooting, but he could not. These men were dying by the movement of simply the finger of a boy. Keaton cried out, his voice cracking as he continued to shoot at the air, now, the two men bleeding out. When the magazine was emptied, Keaton stopped for a second, watching red pools gather by the gentlemen. They were out to kill him, but that is their profession, not Keaton's. If he had time to use his pistol, they wouldn't be dead. The rifle flew along the ground after Keaton threw it. He clawed at his hair, as he leaned back on the wall, falling to the floor. They didn't need to die. He didn't cry any more; the sound would draw guards. For worse, his suffering and self-loathing was internal.
  11. Still alive and breathing, Flux. Don't push it to get this content out.
  12. Posting to commemorate MP's breakup. Yes, this will make you sad.
  13. Darkuna sounds... weird. Be safe with the ol' DarkLight x Sensai
  14. The jurisdiction lies with you. But what will I do with all these songs?
  15. Actually, puns aren't fun. They bug me. Zephyr, you listen to the songs I post, so you have signed the contract of this ship.
  16. A piece of advice: when you're going for the kill, always let the camera see the nape. In few instances should you not/ not be able to see it, but for the most part, pan the camera to allow more directional control and permit you to see your target. Excellent kills, though. I can see some of my style in yours, but you're more direct in latching onto and attacking titans.
  17. Concert night! \(^o^)/

    1. Zephyrus the Priestess
    2. Ikaru


      ooh have fun!

    3. Cowtao


      Good luck Arkhidon! c: May your husbando give you good fortune.


    1. Deleted User
    2. Cornerman


      maybe you know Barbary Pun-klemen if so just yell.

      'GOD-DAMNIT Barb.'

  19. Welcome! I would not advise using Sunflora. It's got a very low BST. In that place, you could use Gogoat for some good attack or Donphan for offense/defensive bulk. Have a chill stay.
  20. Not a great number of people were online at the time that occurred, if memory serves.
  21. Nooooooooooo It was Tacos all along...
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