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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Emancipator yayaya Lemme hit you up with the slickest of sounds.
  2. Profile pictures with sweaters in them

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vinny


      what about the rare

      sweater scarf combo

    3. Arkhi


      Yo that's even gnarlier.

    4. Felicity


      you just like bundling up show some skin man cmon

  3. Dorcas Ball Z

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Jmanultrax1
    3. Exalted


      Eternal Dorcas listen to me :BEAVER CREAM

  4. I'm going to bed, please don't break the rules or my heart.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flux


      Is breaking your heart against the rules?

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its ok ark, we still love you

    4. Arkhi


      Breaking my heart is not against the rules.

  5. Yes, this has been a trifling issue for years that resulted in many rule-infringing statuses or status comments left unreported. However, since an update will make this inconsequential, I will not add it to the OP. With the impending update now publicized, I plan on retiring this thread and locking it once the site update drops. Preferably, once the update hits, I will create one new thread specifically for maintenance records (regarding changes made to the forums, Showdown server, and Discord server together) and one for Site/Showdown/Discord suggestions. If bugs for the forums exist, then the maintenance thread will detail those as well, though I imagine we won't see many site errors with the new release.
  6. You okay there, America? I think you should just lie down for a minute and never wake back up.

  7. Welcome. I wish you the best in getting work done with Sega/Nintendo. Enjoy your time here!
  8. My vote goes to HostGator.

  9. How have I sinned, Rito? Why will you not give me rank 7 Sejuani?
  10. And here I thought it was Bill Nye... 7/10
  11. This week's playlist is up!

  12. This thread is A-OK to bring back- post away, friends!
  13. Welcome to the party, enjoy your time here.
  14. Let's just forget that last status...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi


      I will only mention that I mistyped the word "tucked".

    3. Felicity


      lets think about who or what you tuck in. Your shirt. Children into bed. Lets consider rhymes for a moment. Now we have some ideas floating about. Care to clarify before we put them together?

    4. Arkhi


      Let's just not worry about this at all.

  15. I work for Dove and this here is the cleanest shit we got. bOI
  16. Ashe and I both hit 18, so then the Battle for the Freljord quest began. I killed her and got a little crown above my head :3
  17. (Save meee) You have. I've got two for you, cap'n. They say "theme me." But what I don't tell them is.... I meme them.
  18. Real hunters don't have time to bake cakes in the outback. So we'll airdrop one instead. Happy birthday o7
  19. Remember that ol "Truth is" trend?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HughJ


      truth is, just saying

    3. Aurorix


      Truth is I said it first so it's MINE! >:3

    4. Arkhi


      Truth is I didn't think of that joke :l

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