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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Roman Numerials > Scrub 0-9 numbers
  2. I recently started a new Reborn run. Two of the songs I listened to during my grinding can be found on my profile. Hit that up if you're searching for something new.

  3. I will both post here and message in the future. However, for now, let's do it again! US Region Forest III Normal Day 10 Players Server Time: 99 Server and Password: Reborn and agate Edit: Server closed.
  4. Well, let's change that. Hosting a server. US Region Forest III Normal Day 10 Players Server Time: 99 Server and Password: Reborn and agate Edit: Server closed.
  5. Sounds like Oregon Trail. "Please insert Disc 2."
  6. So, I reached a new high for me today. 10 waves, 63 kills, with no deaths.
  7. So this RP would occur over email? Otherwise, I do like the idea. It's crazy, which makes it original.
  8. Hey. We've played an AoTTG match, so I'd like to say I know you. Tell me this isn't the most nostalgic song ever.
  9. Well, if you'd like, feel free to control Keaton for a bit. He can perform in combat, but if you want him as a plot device, go on ahead.
  10. If he was really Brock, he'd be able to tell us what Extremespeed is.
  11. Much of the game is plot twist-filled. Like Red John's identity sorta, We may have no idea who they are.
  12. ...huh. You're more sadistic than the rest.
  13. This seems rather reminiscent of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". We swear, it'll work this time.
  14. Drifblim most definitely should go. Noivern would be a great replacement. Your team could use more Speed, after all.
  15. *Backflips in* An Ability Capsule can be found early in the game. I believe it is found in the north Peridot Ward. Poke around, look about, and search frequently. *Backflips out*
  16. I'm not quite a creative writer, but I can critique well, I'd like to think. And in a friendly way, at that. So, I would not partake in the original writing and designing, simply the commentating and advice searching/ criticism reception.
  17. If Aervana is closed, would that allot more time for this RP? This RP is one I quite like.
  18. I love the story and lore, but this is dead, I'm afraid. It took me this long just to say so (partly on my end). So, I would would say this should be retired.
  19. Get that Skuntank and Roselia in gear. Additionally, your team already seems rather effective against hers, so quicksave before the fight, then battle her & re-battle as necessary.
  20. If you don't watch this at least for the song's title, watch it for the video. They've all got these cute junk-holders.
  21. OH MY GOD TACOS, YOU'RE PETER PARKER! That is incredible.
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