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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. I thought churros were outstanding of their own accord. But churros with googly eyes? I'm sold. Enjoy your time here!
  2. Welcome. I hope you find the forums accommodating to all your needs. Enjoy your time here!
  3. What if I told you this was a final boss battle theme? (Hint: it is) idk man, but try this on for size Ain't that a glitch
  4. This week's playlist is up!

  5. The use of TMX's gives excellent flexibility as is. Some HMs cannot be mocked with a reasonably-sized item that will fit in the player's bag. After all, adventuring across Reborn carrying the weight of a machete in addition to Poke Balls, TMs, healing items, various items (we're literally carrying Black Powder and Hard Rocks) is already a lot for one trainer alone. I'm just glad we don't have a weight limit. Yet.
  6. I loved the episode because Archie was in it. You hit the nail on the head here.
  7. nsfw language ahead: @Mael/Kurotsune
  8. Let me show you outrageous. This is absolutely wonderful and looks very fun.
  9. Some silly business went down at Riot and now we have all these items such as: - Janna ult (usable in death) - Nocturne/Sivir E - Vision Ward, ft. spooky possessed pink eye - Slightly different Zeke's Herald ft. true damage It was the best of preseasons, it was the worst of preseasons.
  10. Yoooooooo (kami) These look outstanding, I love it.
  11. Rossiu did nothing wrong.

    1. Ikaru


      let me explain to you why that is an incorrect statement

  12. Forecast calls for tunes like this ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
  13. I won't read the comments of this, so poke fun at my DR2 casualty guesses (red is deatth, blue means a killer): http://prnt.sc/cv2nvy

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tacos


      There are only 4 he labeled correctly I don't know where you're getting 6 from?

    3. Godot


      Four is the correct answer.

    4. Joker


      how dare he assume that a PRECIOUS BABY LIKE IBUKI COULD BE A MURDERER :(

  14. Arkhi

    Reborn Mods

    This is correct: Pokemon are not healed when sent to the PC. This is to prevent the issue Kisuo mentioned (healing via PC).
  15. That sounds about correct. now that doesn't.
  16. Welcome to the party. Hope you enjoy your time here!
  17. I got them moves like lemur

    1. Godot


      Damn Straight.

  18. I mean to ask what you would like the topic title changed to, as per your comment asking about it.
  19. What would you like the title changed to?
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