O boi.
The soundtrack is great. When it gets excessive, simply turn it off and play some other music in the background. You can do that, or go to the Jukebox and change to another tune. Time to time, I play with and without the music, alternating between epic battle sessions and lazy hatching/travel segments.
Incredibly specific Pokemon being implemented is likely to fall on deaf ears. Natu's good for travel, but, because this game is not complete and still has plenty of bugs, an early-game opportunity to cause crashes, such as with teleport, can be an immediate shut-off for many. And if one still wants that Natu early-game, Dban1 has created a Trading Service, where Pokemon are very easy to find.
Dark points throughout the game give it a great feel. For a lot of it, you're in a city that is healing from and relapsing into disaster. Realistically, without power, the darkness in-game is accurate. If that's not up your alley, you could change your computer's clock to daytime or turn the brightness up significantly.