Viktor headed straight for the guns, packing more than any person should be able to carry. Yet he was able to heave it all. Inversely, Keaton went towards the gadgets on the wall, his eyes caught by the laser weapon prototype. Viktor wasn't scolded when he reached for the guns, so it should be the same for the gadgets. He grabbed the laser weapon, turning it around in his hand.
He went to the droids, grabbing the controller to one of the Spy Droids and observed the nonliving creature. It was a good size, but could make better use of the area between the holes. If those were condensed- and it looked like they could be- then more room could be made for additional microchips and weaponry. Though unwilling to point this out, Keaton put the controller back and browsed the handguns. Large weaponry wasn't his style. Why take the burden of bigger guns when handguns and small firearms could do that? He pulled out an advanced model of the Beretta BU9 Nano, complete with green-lit iron sights and what seemed like a smaller barrel, allowing smaller bullet shells and greater shots per magazine: about sixteen shots, maybe? This and the laser would be his weapon. His second, anyway, to any gadgets he could get his hands on.