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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. I'd say "Oui", but you're English. Mikzal?
  2. Oh good, the avatar's back. that pic had nice abs though What? Dobby.
  3. I've got some Alt. Rock this week. Hop on my profile, give it a listen, and suggest genres for next week. It'd be no fun if you knew what was coming, so genres only, please.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flux


      Orchestral Dubstep.

    3. Arkhi


      wht. Murdoc, I'll need some pointers.

      Flux, I've got a bit, so I'll dig deeper.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I would say some TSFH or 2 Steps from Hell, they do all sorts of stuff, msotly ranging in the classical type of music, some trance and etc. Won't suggest any songs, But I can suggest them as a gnere me thinks since they fit alot of stuff.

  4. Me, that is yes. Leggo, trashy white boi.
  5. O no they'll learn about mine Happy BDay, RDash.
  6. I don't think Koz can escape this. Meaning someone (if anybody besides Murdoc and Flux) out there may need to help.
  7. This is the same 1% that isn't killed by soap. And it is always the one that causes the issue.
  8. No. Tempest, c'mere. It's been a while.
  9. I can deliver, friend! Pwb, get in here.
  10. Such a silky voice.. The audio doesn't seem to match up with the video, so I suppose you could wait about half a second before reading what's on the screen. That or find a way to reduce the lag time between the two. Alors, c'est tres bon.
  11. Oooh, immensely. I've seen the pic before but want more.
  12. I want a picture of that trashy white boi from fuckin' England. We dib thee that name. As for plushies/cuddleable objects... My birthday's coming up. Here's a Johnny Buckland puppet.
  13. Arkhi

    AI Fails.

    I'm a killjoy, I know. But this could be placed instead in Troubleshooting. Additionally, Ame has stated that she intends for the AI to be improved for Ep. 13.
  14. Dallas (City) Green (and Colour), you clever son of a gun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6ra5xLH9uM
  15. Welcome. Color me dazzled.
  16. There's also "Item Request" vouchers you can purchase from the shop to request an item.
  17. That about sums it up. Additionally, a sticker (unless replaced by Flash?) can be found here. Also, avoid swearing if it's unnecessary. We've got a few young'uns here.
  18. By popular demand, I present Avatar two. (Sorry Vinny)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      So you didn't like the one before :c

    3. Vinny


      Not that. I'm saying this one was better than the first picture in your last status.

    4. Arkhi


      I was referring to the previous avatar I used. Either way, I derped. Thank you.

  19. Alright folks: First or Second for le avatar?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vinny


      So, based on all this, the choice is obvious: Neither :)

  20. Quite, indubitably. Would you agree, Wendel?
  21. Arkhi

    Rooftop Pokemon

    Holy mother of Necropost. No, Murkrow was removed.
  22. Because I Hey Vinny, come take a big whiff of this Tauros's scent.
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