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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Everything looks more glossy than before, this is really nice.
  2. We're still relevant, Discord side channels are just more cozy.
  3. Excellent work, here's to hoping you can keep working your magic.
  4. @Maelstrom, but anyone can nab it.
  5. I had to do it to 'em, I can't trust my roommates to not unplug & defrost the refrigerator over break so that the ice inside doesn't leak out onto my clothes (because the fridge is atop my wardrobe). But they're great for leaving more benevolent messages too, like that time I found a roomie's ID on the floor while he was asleep. I figure it's better to put the note on his desk where it's bright pink and very noticeable. And thank you, I reciprocate that feeling.
  6. The Reborn Experience is kind of like a rad house party that the dedicated & interested members will have to be dragged out from. It'll have to end, sure, but focusing on that takes away from the moment, I don't think anyone has an answer for how long the community will last.
  7. I like the handy ergonomic grip that the new modern warning system has. This is nice.
  8. A promotion?? It's been so long. Congratulations Alistair, keep up the good work that got you this far. As is per tradition, please enjoy: And to Njab, thanks for being an all-star. Yours was more technical work, so you were a valuable contribution to the staff team and Reborn. Go enjoy a stay in Cancún or somewhere nice (but only after your exams).
  9. - Sticky notes They're great for leaving reminders for myself and leaving passive aggressive notes for my roommates. - Ear plugs Because I have no interest in my roommates' 3AM discussion about "what if our elbows had teeth on them". - Napkins Excellent for keeping a clean desk by creating a small placemat if you intend to eat at your desk. Also doubles as a cleaning supply. - Whiteboard This is a boon for school in general. Even when I'm not working out problems, I use my whiteboard to leave reminders for myself. It's like sticky notes, but more economic, perfect for us college types. - Tissues Don't make it weird. - Tupperware containers These can be useful for keeping food, but also holding more fragile items. I keep a spare light bulb for my lamp in one, for example, in the case that the current one ever goes out. - Multiple flash drives Sometimes the dorm wifi can crap out and you won't be able to save your work to the cloud. If you need to print something and you don't own a printer, AND the dorm wifi is out, then at least you won't be at the mercy of something outside of your control. Save it to handheld storage and print it at a library or somewhere else. - A fan If your dorm is also a cage, this can make the heat (and stench) more tolerable by cooling down the room and bringing in fresh air. - Flip-flops, sandals, etc. If you're not off-campus, then you'll likely share individual shower stalls with several others. Don't trust anyone's hygiene but your own and definitely don't catch athlete's foot (or worse).
  10. If irl means in-person, yeah. And if you really get to know others here more personally, you may as well know them in-person.
  11. That comes down to user participation. Without us, the community can't really be called that- so long as users stay active and give one another reasons to stick around, I don't think it is worth worrying about the end of the community.
  12. Hollow Knight has been a blast to play, and it is the game for which I have the most praise. It is my favorite take on a Dark Souls-inspired platformer.
  13. Welcome aboard. Enjoy your time here.
  14. Happy birthday and also If you knew that, in ten days' time you were going to be dumped on a deserted island on your lonesome with only the materials you had ten days in advance to pack, what would you bring and why?
  15. I was thinking the same. Anyway, welcome to Reborn. That Kaede avatar is graedet... graedt... you know, great pronounced like Kaede... okay yeah I'll stop. Enjoy your time here.
  16. I remember this place, but returned because I saw a familiar name. 6.5/10, yellow fellow looks like a more horizontal Kirby.
  17. In a world with Pokemon, talking cacti don't seem so weird.
  18. Actually, there's a handy dandy public development section of the site. Meander there through here. Edit: ninja'd by Ama.
  19. Welcome aboard. You'll find others of us struggling through our majors, I wish you the best working through it. Enjoy your time here.
  20. I don't mean you, my post is a general address to the same audience as the OP.
  21. If you feel the need to reply with a Best of Epic Pranks Vine Compilation 2017 answer to a question, just don't.
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