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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Κάνε ό, τι πρέπει. Do what you gotta do.
  2. What are forums 15, 29, 43, and 44? Hmm..

    1. Vinny


      That's where i keep my corn.

    2. Arkhi


      But.. It says I don't have permission to see it. Dr. Weird, are you hiding corn from me?

    3. Vinny


      Of course you can't see it. Not everyone has permission to eat corn.

  3. Well, it was humorous while it lasted.
  4. Arkhi


    Well, if you have episode 6 or 7, you might be able to reach that floor. But those episodes are long gone. That probably only goes to Gen 4 or 5 as well.
  5. Seems like Samson is quite easy for a lot of people. #Escavalier#IronDefense#SwordsDance
  6. Here's to hoping I didn't turn Viktor into a pedophile. My apologies. But really, this conversation seems to be a secret war of manliness being waged.
  7. "I was offered a deal and it sounded good," Keaton replied. "Working with the joint that runs a nation is... Very involved. And I like that," he said simply. He noticed The Crimson Tide (CT) keep his eye on the gun. He squinted his eyes, wary of the man. "It's not too powerful a gun. The bullets are quite tiny and serve only to incapacitate without killing. It is legal, though." He then got up, stretching, hoping to seem cool and firm to the CT. "I assume you're here for a reason?"
  8. Some already did, but Vinny referred them here, so that's a plus. Merci beaucoup, monsieur Vinny.
  9. So, for example, the character can carry around a drill to break through rocks? I mean, we already have explosives in Black Powder, so it's not TOO outlandish. The problem would be that this game is made with the Pokemon Essentials Kit, which probably incorporates HMs and Badge requirements, meaning that doing something new like this could be tricky.
  10. tl;dr The search bar is above your profile picture, while the status update bar is below. Hello Reborn, I'm sure many of you older members can guess what this is about, but to newer ones, welcome! Explore the site a bit, get to know the feel of it, and introduce yourself. After that, feel free to search the forums with the Search Bar or make a status using the Status Update Bar. Today, we're going to differentiate the two so that they don't get mixed up. If you would like more information about the site, check out Jericho's FAQ Page. He'll answer all your questions. The Search Bar does exactly what it sounds like it does: this allows you to search the forums. Using it, you can search for particular threads, members, and calendar events, though it is primarily used for searching for a thread with a keyword. For example, if I wanted to find out where I can locate a particular item in the game, I would select the search bar, enter in whatever item I'm trying to find, select the corresponding location (in this case, you would search for it in the forums), and search. The search bar can be found here: The search bar makes your life a little bit easier and more organized, as you can search for direct keywords, locate the thread, and read through it. The Status Update Bar is very different. It is below the Search Bar. In it reads: What's on your mind? Here you can announce your excitement, flip out when a new episode is released, or just give a greeting to Reborn. Simply enter your thoughts here and press enter. It's that simple! Note that Status Updates can be seen on the right side of the Forum's Community Index (the Forum home page). The Status Update Bar can be found here: Speak your mind to the entire forum through here, but please keep it both appropriate and unoffensive. A good procedure to remember here is: Would you want your grandmother to see what you post? If yes, then post that delicious cookie recipe here. If not, please refrain from posting it. That about sums it up! If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions to add to this, please add them to this thread. Thank you, and have a nice day.
  11. I wouldn't say extremely powerful, but definitely versatile. Anywho, welcome.
  12. Well, this sounds to be a one-person project. Considering that, the work is really quite great.
  13. Well, as RP host, I suppose you could direct an attack against the characters who are idle, because up until now, everyone else has been sleeping from the previous night and there has been no direct contact with them since.
  14. Well, the girl got up, so that was good. The three (Gale, Zephyr, Umbreon) returned to the group. Gale made a beeline straight for Amarantha and Lily. The Togepi seemed uneasy, so he bent down, putting his hand out. "You look distressed. We're moving out. It's getting a bit chilly," all of this said with his hope that Ammy would understand him. The rest of the pack seemed prepared to move out. With the exception of the Dewgong, the Houndoom, and the Dewott, which seemed to be playing around.
  15. "Want a smoke?" Keaton hesitated, looking up at the man. He looked aged, almost 50, and had strange, mixed eye colors. If not a pedophile, then he was one tough son-of-a-gun. He had always avoided smoking, because his home was littered with bullets, cartridges, and other flammable substances. But having something like a cigar could be handy... "Yeah. But for later," he said, taking the cigar and putting it in his shirt pocket. The man was cool and controlled, by the sound of it. And Keaton felt rather uncomfortable around him, if not from the smoke, then because the sheer age he had on Keaton. To avoid being caught probing the building, he put his phone away and pulled out his gun, fiddling with one, then the other, checking the magazines. Fifteen in one, nine in the other, plus five 15-piece magazines on his person. He would need to go print his new gun soon and plenty of ammunition to spare.
  16. Maybe there needs to be some "Post within two days or your character dies" sort of rule. Even then though, I doubt it'd work.
  17. The area shouldn't be available until after Luna is defeated, though.
  18. There's a lot of people having difficulty knowing to use the trees instead of the flowers. The Vial Vendor (catchy) even says to use it on the trees...
  19. That's what I want to find out. Because if we can use Rock Climb, we can access a certain cave near the Celestine Cascade.
  20. That's may be the trade for Growlithe?
  21. There is one way in there, but it hinges on if Rock Climb can be used outside of battle. I'm currently training a Scraggy, so I should find out soon if that cave is accesible.
  22. Arkhi

    Big Brother

    You'd learn this eventually. Plus, people keep typing her name is ever sentence they mention, so that's my reasoning: It's likely Terra, as she monitors the cameras across Agate & the North.
  23. The Rage Powder is only there if you kick the "rock" in the wrong spot, then need to awaken it and respawn it.
  24. I gave them a second of joy, then took it away. That was my intention ;D
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