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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. It should be at the first house you see in Spinel Town. Not in the forest, but within the actual city limits. It's a house without anyone in it, but does hold the item. At least, this is how it was in Episode 10/10.5.
  2. How did I drive myself home if I am literally stumbling through the door coming in? =_= Lights-out.

  3. Your introduction wasn't mundane. I had no access to Youtube at that time. But I am literally so tired I am about to pass out, so here's a song I heard the other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjacfNpitlQ
  4. Welcome. This is my queue to post a song, but I currently cannot. Looks like I'll have to get back to that.
  5. Arguing. I can't stand conflict. I just lose it.
  6. To each his own frickin' half-ass postings.
  7. Reverse psychology. Because everything is permitted. Devon?
  8. *Calls in Nikolai Orelov to assassinate you* If this is about AC knowledge, I've got all y'all beat. It's quite clear to me now: Vinny is coming.
  9. Welcome. It's a good thing you like D&B/electronic, otherwise I wouldn't be able to provide.
  10. pictures, then replaced...
  11. I will massacre you, Bibarel. I had faith you were a good person, but now, you don't warrant that respect from me. Predicting Devon again.
  12. and hailed Hydra. New sentence!
  13. 'ayyyyyyy, it's your dayyyyyyy. Here's some Coldplayyyyyyy. And I swear to God, if anyone even thinks about saying "gayyyyyyy", I will personally show up at your doorstep, break your neck, and feed you to Alice. Now that that's done, here you are Getting back on track... Devon?Edit: Ninja'd by Rose.
  14. I have to go against placing the Androids in a separate box. If the best solution to a problem is shipping it away, it's no solution. There are, as I see it, two or three options. 1) Continue as is and ignore/ban trolls. 2) Open a new channel (which would require additional server monitoring, supervision, etc.) 3?) Require that the Android user "earn the trust" of moderators in the main chat so that they can remain. Obviously, this is the most taxing. It's essentially additional servicing, more moderator/auth work, and the consistent presence of auth (which, according to RDash, is not at all times) or high-priority bot banning in the chat.
  15. Be careful what you wish for. You'll definitely get more than you bargained for.
  16. Acquiesce was last active today about an hour ago, so she's still alive. Just not active, I suppose.
  17. Oh, shit. *Begins mating call*
  18. Refunds not accepted. Next time, purchase the warranty. Yet, I expect your business soon.
  19. Still not an edible food sustenance. Zephyr?
  20. There's a period of sweetness before any sorrow. Fern must have been an alright person at some point before he became who he is now. That also goes for Cain. He was (at least was in Reborn-game history) the gym leader before he left, in addition to Sigmund. Speaking of Sigmund, he's seen as a villain because he is doing what he feels is right, which to the children is painful. If you read the interview with him (speaking to G.G.), you learn about his sister (you can see her grave in Beryl), whose death may have been saved with electroconvulsive therapy, inspiring him to become a medical practitioner who performs that himself. Anyway, every character in the game has insane backstory.
  21. After the pretty face came up to Gale with what was a suggestion of an ultimatum, everyone headed off further up the mountain. He decided to let Amarantha walk on her own, only because she could attack quicker without his arms blocking her movement and he was more mobile. The group traversed a mountain path, littered with gravel and charred rocks. If what the professors at the school taught was true, then a variety of strong Pokemon would make their home here: perhaps even causing the burning of so many rocks. But there was no way a Pokemon could emit the roar that just sounded. It had to have been the mountain sound, echoing off some surface strangely. Or a trick of his mind. Gale wasn't scared- on the surface, at any rate. In fact, he grinned a bit upon hearing it, taking it as a challenge by nature. Or, if it were a Pokemon that made the sound, it would be a challenge for Gale and Amarantha. The others could sit back while he kicked ass. He tapped his hand to his back pocket, feeling the knife there, ready to remove it if the challenge revealed its face. Oh, how he loved challenge.
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