if i can find it
beneath all these other AMAs
Do I even play that many? Let's see...
5) One Way Heroics
4) Portal 2
3) Warframe
2) League of Legends
1) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat
I think we need to recreate your diet about foods that aren't hardcore drugs. Because good lord, what does any of that mean?
I like you because you can completely turn any circumstance on its head. That said, you're a joy to be around when you use and abuse that strength. Having seen a more serious side of you, I'm honestly a little worried, but I won't publicly delve into that. I want to hang with you more.
1) I approach the cousin, yes. More likely than not, I fumble about as I explain "you like me, and that's cool, but it's not, because I am uninterested in an intimate relationship with you." I will then beat myself up in regret of wording it that way, since I'd rather not insult their character and it sounds like I just did; I'm sure they'll forgive me, which makes it a little easier to then repeat this process until I'm dragged away.
2) Whichever blend of disgust, frustration, and mild joy I feel from stepping in ickynasty seaweed underwater. See, you step in it and it wraps around your foot and you're all "ah fuck man, that's nast," but in the back of your mind you know it feels good, if for only a split second. Never let me know this again.
4) I don't like these sad thoughts. I will still enjoy his work with a passive aggressive, guilty pleasure. But seriously, that would be very very sad and I would be very very sad if that were the case.
5) Please yes please, I don't want my dreams shattered into sadness dust just so that he can snort it and make more pretty artwork.