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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. It's a good suggestion- one that was made previously. I worked alongside Chubb to attempt to forward this suggestion, though it was discontinued, and is listed under the 2015 Previous Suggestions: Part of the reason the suggestion was axed was that we didn't know that this could be implemented into the site. Another problem could be abuse of this power- in the wrong hands, one user's work could be entirely erased, with no method by which to retrieve it. Though with a big update incoming, we could definitely explore this.
  2. Match between myself and RudeStyle: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-61366 Good stuff.
  3. Welcome. What do we do after the beholding? Is there a step two? Do we kinda just wait or
  4. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  5. Welcome. Glad to see AC2 is on your list of great games- loved that game. Enjoy your time here!
  6. A mistake on my part, I thought partially completed votes may be submitted. A sixth option has been added to each poll response for those that did not attend a particular party event.
  7. Welcome to Reborn. Check out the Community Rules and you're set. Enjoy your time here.
  8. Thank you thank you thank you! I'm going with Take 1: the shaded glasses are spot-on and the editing is top notch. Thank you very much, Flux!
  9. Congratulations, you scrolled down to the part of the thread that actually explains what this is! If the thread title isn't explanatory enough, here's a quick tl;dr: Following Reborn's first Summer Party, the planners of future parties are looking for user feedback regarding the party's events, organization, and how it may be improved. Please vote providing feedback and reply with any comments, concerns, questions, or.. replies. Votes for this poll are anonymous. As the EU and NA parties were separate, users' feedback will differ. Preferably, for future parties we may allot time for a lengthier party with a more world-inclusive time slot and feature all party events, so the timing for the party is an option excluded from the poll. Poll format is: - Outstanding - Good - Average - Bad/Needs improvements - Awful/Needs major overhaul or remove event
  10. Sweet, glad to see more Aussies popping up. Hope the forums are to your liking- enjoy your time here!
  11. Welcome! If your PS4 isn't seeing much use, a certain someone with a five-letter name might be looking to indulge his Dark Souls needs. Glad to see you're liking Reborn- feel free to use the forums to make your playthrough more enjoyable!
  12. Why can't we just have a healthy, happy breakfast time :[
  13. This week's oddly formatted playlists (ft. Cowtao) are up!

  14. Arkhi

    Hi :)

    Welcome! Considering English isn't your first language, you're still making sense, so don't sweat that too much. Enjoy your time here!
  15. Take two of your entrance here, huh? Hope it goes swell(ow). Enjoy your time here!
  16. I don't know that I like most Hack n Slashes, but I absolutely loved Dust. Clean combat, neat chain combo system, great characters, the game's got it real good.
  17. I think you think too much of me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alex


      i think less of you than you think i think of you

    3. Arkhi


      Maybe Silver or Ikaru will get the reference...

    4. Kurotsune
  18. Welcome. I encourage you to check out the Developing Games sub-forum and check out what fellow Reborn members are working on. It could help with the creation of your own game. Enjoy your time here!
  19. Here we go, I'm at that one FMA episode that hurts to wach

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      tfw the "oh it's when that when guy stubs his toe." is a joke in the sense that I use that in reference to like literally anything bad that happens in a series ever. ((I honestly ended up with that being a thing cause of Arky I think XD>))

    3. Godot


      there is like 3 or 4 of those.

    4. Arkhi


      For the record, I was referencing Shou Tucker, Nina, and Alexander.

  20. I think I remember that name. Welcome back. Give the Community Rules a look-see and you're set. Enjoy your time here!
  21. I remember Reborn in 2013

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flux
    3. Maelstrom


      Idk, a lot of the years just run together for me.

    4. Honchy
  22. Found that from https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2921787/exogenesis-post-apocalyptic-tokyo-adventure-visual
  23. Rocko, my boi! You know, over in Dubaiiii

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