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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. @Kurotsune I don't think this is your style, but it's curious. @Raiden @Mael
  2. Neapoltian ice cream bars sound pretty good right about now. Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  3. Jason Bonham (son of John Bonham, drummer from Led Zeppelin) burns an average of 3,000 calories per live performance solely from drumming.
  4. Welcome. Enjoy your time here!
  5. I'm really glad that you suggested Knite. yuumei's an outstanding artist.
  6. Hell, you can use it. Those other nerds probably are too "cool" for it.
  7. If the folder has disappeared, maybe you can create a new one? It seems extremely unusual that a default system folder would just up and leave.
  8. More of a signature suggestion I guess @Mael/Godot
  9. Welcome. If you're into depth-rich games, check out Journey if you've got the chance. Hope you'd be able to give it a playthrough, it's stunning. Enjoy your time here!
  10. They say mixing different kinds of gloves is a bad idea, and now I know why.

    1. Ironbound


      Welcome to the RAB, home of the Mangozone shots and the Smelly short shorts.

  11. No sweat, I've merged the three posts. As mde mentioned above, give the Community Rules a look-see and you'll be in the clear. Enjoy your time here!
  12. This week's playlist is up!

  13. what the hell even... I thought woodpeckers were strange enough for ramming their heads into raw wood, but show what I know.
  14. Amethyst has cut out donations to Reborn for the time being. It's possible she may open up a source through which to donate in the future, maybe after Episode 16 is released.
  15. YES YES YES A fellow Coldplay appreciator is always welcome!
  16. Boss battle music, you say? Ohohoho I throw this around too much, but it's a boss battle theme. Anyway, greetings. Enjoy your time here.
  17. This new Skype update is radical http://prnt.sc/b11oia

    1. Exalted


      they are adapting in right direction

    2. Skeleton


      bing is a meme on its own

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I havent updated skype in 3 years tbh

  18. I imagine the reasoning is on par with "It's Cinco de Mayo, let's celebrate it in AMERICA." Some people have untamed, partygoing spirits.
  19. every orifice cries out in agony when I get these teams also yes, I stack AS reduction because it's about sending a message
  20. Oh, I know that name. Welcome the forum side of things.
  21. how old are you even Have a nerdy birthday, nerd :]
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