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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Damn, I guess she's heard the stories about us. Gotta play it cool. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  2. Welcome! I've only ever played about five hours of PSO2 that one time the IP ban in the US was breached, but it was great. One of the admins, Dan, plays it still, so if you see him around, give him a shout, yeah? Enjoy your time here!
  3. If this thread is indeed for the discussion of Amber, then please keep the discussion on-topic. Off-topic posts will result in a warning. In going by this, the thread may stay.
  4. TIL I can fix sub-forums by posting in them like I'm doing now.
  5. Welcome! Good to hear... or read, I suppose... that someone's giving Donphan some love. The thing puts in real work, so good on you for picking it up. Enjoy your time here!
  6. A status a day keeps low profile views away.

    1. Maelstrom


      That's a huge lie and you know it.

    2. Neo
    3. Arkhi


      Good thing pleasing people isn't my MO. Loosen up, you tough crowd, you.

  7. Arkhi

    Land Ho!

    Welcome. Maybe one day my teammates won't AFK and I can finally move into Silver III. But noooooooooo. (If you're a dedicated member, we could invite you to the Reborn League club) Anyway, enjoy your time here.
  8. Welcome! Enjoy your time here.
  9. "I can sense that man's evil intentions. I mean, look at the way he slurps up his soup."

    1. Felicity


      get the choco milk boi

  10. 10/10, I love that baby Absol.
  11. Everyone loves a good story.

    1. Dignal


      Tell me one :3

    2. Arkhi
    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      unless its fanfiction

      then the bad stories are much better because its fun to see people fail at writing

  12. TIL Zac's sound effects from bouncing and using his abilities were made from a condom filled with beans and dog food, which was then slapped against a wall
  13. I0/I0 (get it, I typed it with an i because eheheheh)
  14. Welcome. When even members of the Reborn Staff are promoted regardless of age, it's a very safe bet that age doesn't mean much here, so take solace in knowing that. Enjoy your time here.
  15. Gate AND Thrixe AND a bunch of other cool artists, oml
  16. This week's playlists (ft. Rosesong v2) is up!

  17. Wendy Oldbag, why you gotta ruin things :[

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ironbound


      Guess that's where the name comes from. 'Old windbag'.

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Windy Old Bag.

    4. Ironbound
  18. Got to hang with my closest friend today and share cuties like this
  19. Japanifornia is my favorite city.

    1. Spineblade


      ...San Fransokyo?

  20. Isn't it still morning or ZEPHY! Have the most kickass, kickgiraffe, kickkick birthday in all the multiverses (theoretically, of course)! Go nuts and flip tables and write pehypurs and have an incredible day and and and And sincerely, hope today treats you incredibly. I hope today is the bomb- .com, as Rose puts it. okay im going now i promise please take care of these atoks and music and bye and ily
  21. Welcome. As Chubb said, check out Pokemon Rejuvenation if Reborn is up your alley. Enjoy your time here.
  22. what is this avi

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caz


      When a shiny appears and you run out of Pokeballs.

    3. AuthorReborn


      that's the face of saving a Pokemon in a Nuzlocke by getting a crit on your foe.

    4. Ojama Yellow
  23. When I buy Sightsone, Tacos loosens my chains. It's the support thing to doTM Unrelated: When you just don't give enough fucks about this being a 4v5
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