[7:44:38 PM] Rose: This is a stupid pun [7:44:39 PM] Rose: BUT [7:44:57 PM] Rose: You should grow out your hair just so that you can say "Long hair, Arkhidon'tcare" [7:45:54 PM] Arkhi: I totally should [7:46:02 PM] Arkhi: and I should totally disregard the rules of society [7:46:10 PM] Arkhi: when the cops pull me over and arrest me [7:46:15 PM] Arkhi: I Arkhidon'tcare [7:46:24 PM] Rose: That would be amazing [7:46:44 PM] Arkhi: alternatively, I could open up a store for kitchen supplies [7:46:47 PM] Arkhi: Arkhiware [7:47:03 PM] Rose: Or a soup kitchen [7:47:07 PM] Rose: Arkhishare [7:47:41 PM] Arkhi: Finally met that cute girl, but I don't know how to talk to her [7:47:45 PM] Arkhi: I'll just Arkhistare [7:48:05 PM] Rose: You Arkhicare though [7:48:12 PM] Arkhi: I really do [7:48:23 PM] Arkhi: then give her a hug like an Arkhibear [7:49:13 PM] Rose: You might attract Mike at that point though, tbh... [7:49:20 PM] Arkhi: that's fine [7:49:25 PM] Arkhi: I Arkhidon'tCare :] [7:49:31 PM] Rose: You can Arkhidare him to hug you too! [7:49:44 PM] Arkhi: that sounds like an Arkhiscare tho [7:50:21 PM] Rose: True. Maybe keep him away from your Arkhilair [7:50:43 PM] Arkhi: Absolutely. I'll keep an eye out and be Arkhaware [7:52:02 PM] Rose: You could eat an Arkhipear [7:52:31 PM] Arkhi: I don't like pear, so in the fabric of my character, that would Arkhitear [7:53:31 PM] Arkhi: Though I've never eaten one, to be Arkhifair [7:54:01 PM] Rose: I don't like pear either, we make quite the Arkhipair [7:54:55 PM] Arkhi: If someone's got a problem, it's Arkhithere [7:54:56 PM] Arkhi: 's [7:55:09 PM] Arkhi: to deal with [7:55:16 PM] Arkhi: (wow, that was a stretch) [7:55:44 PM] Rose: (Just a bit, but wouldn't it be Arkhitheir?) [7:55:55 PM] Arkhi: ARKHINOOOOOOOO [7:55:59 PM] Arkhi: ;_; [7:56:17 PM] Arkhi: there goes my Arkhiflair [7:56:19 PM] Rose: ARKHITEAR D: [7:56:42 PM] Arkhi: No problem Arkhihere [7:57:07 PM] Rose: Or Arkhithere [7:57:37 PM] Arkhi: The rhymes may have changed, I Arkhifear [7:57:58 PM] Rose: Let's just have an Arkhibeer [7:58:26 PM] Arkhi: Illegal for me, so I'll have to make sure no cops are Arkhinear [7:59:14 PM] Rose: Maybe said cutie can come along, and she can call you Arkhidear [8:00:44 PM] Arkhi: Hope so, but if things go badly, then I'll Arkhisteer in the wrong direction
[8:01:02 PM] Rose: It'll all be Arkhiclear [8:02:15 PM] Arkhi: Maybe she'll be hot enough to Arkhisear [8:02:38 PM] Rose: She might talk off your Arkiear [8:03:05 PM] Arkhi: Guess I'll have to Arkhigear up for that [8:04:01 PM] Arkhi: I don't think I mentioned it, but in Arizona, I saw several Arkhideer [8:04:41 PM] Rose: But no gazelle?? D: Did you Arkhiveer from the path? [8:05:43 PM] Arkhi: Man, that question sounds like a deep one you'd read in ArkhiShakespeare [8:06:49 PM] Rose: Ah yes, about Arkhimere mortals [8:07:22 PM] Arkhi: It's sad, really, people never make the most of any Arkhiyear [8:07:55 PM] Rose: It's an Arkhisheer disappointment [8:08:57 PM] Arkhi: Yeah, that mindset is rather Arkhiqueer [8:09:31 PM] Rose: Arkhiwe're slightly running out of words [8:09:57 PM] Arkhi: Maybe we need a new rhyme to Arkhinterfere [8:10:51 PM] Rose: At least no one will Arkhileer [8:11:04 PM] Rose: Or Arkhijeer [8:11:30 PM] Arkhi: I never thought rhymes were so tricky to Arkhiengineer [8:12:32 PM] Rose: The rhymes' end are Arkhinear [8:14:02 PM] Arkhi: If I want to get more suiting rhymes, I should meet an Arkhiseer [8:15:17 PM] Rose: Move to the Arkhirear of the rhyme line [8:16:03 PM] Arkhi: I think this much wordplay qualifies for its own Arkhitier [8:16:37 PM] Rose: It needs to be Arkhisheared [8:18:39 PM] Arkhi: you win