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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Watch closely as the blanket snail curls up in its hideaway.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arkhi


      tbh I'm a scarf snail, so to each their own.

    3. Rosesong
  2. Renzo has a new message. Renzo should check his inbox. Renzo won't regret it.

    1. Joker


      Koumei did as you asked.

  3. Welp, there's only gonna be one more Charlie the Unicorn episode.

  4. Welcome! I can't not think Molgera when seeing that avatar. Best part of WW, btw. Enjoy your time here! I'm now whistling this and can't stop save me
  5. Welcome! Glad to hear the game's proving a challenge. That means it's made right. Enjoy your time here.
  6. Alternatively, you can locate it manually by looking under User (Your computer's name)>Saved Games>Pokemon Reborn, and extracting the file titled "Game.rxdata".
  7. The jig is up, the news is out, they've finally found me~

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      The renegade who had it maaaaade, Retrieved for a booounty! Never more to go astray, this will be the today, of a waaaaaanted man~

  8. Devourer into Rageblade into BoRK, then diverge from there. I'll usually get Merc Treads or Tabi, then build tanky. If I'm really feeling it, Titanic Hydra. Tanks are my jam, so building predominant damage on anyone rubs me the wrong way. ;_; ;_____;
  9. Hey Dobby, I hate Malphite. Sincerely, Kha'Zix. Also on the list of champions I hate is new Xin. I can't play him, but anyone who isn't me seems to steamroll with him real easy.
  10. This week's extra colorful playlist (ft. Cowtao) is up!

  11. Welcome! I read Java and think coffee :v So that's that. Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SGr-R-qkF4
  12. Yay Australians! I love your accents. Anyway, welcome. Enjoy your time here!
  13. This is a really cool idea and I'm curious if any music producers from Reborn would tag along:

    1. Azeria


      I dunno if this is the best idea tbh, especially after Pokemon Reorchestrated was just shut down by the other day.

    2. Arkhi


      Yeah, the timing's inconvenient, but I imagine this also some sort of retaliation.

  14. Arkhi


    Welcome! Check out the Community Rules on the left and enjoy your time here.
  15. Arkhi

    So much love

    What am I looking at?
  16. Happy birthday to TF ^^

    1. Arkhi


      Well, no, but happy birthday to him, too.

    2. Felicity
  17. Feels normal to have AtokNiiro's artwork as an avatar again.

  18. Arkhi


    Asuri's got great edge guards, so if you can play her offensively and keep pressure on the enemy, then you're set. She's far from a safe pick if you can't keep your enemy on the defensive, but if you can keep ahead, then odds are you're more likely to come out on top. Plus I think her active attack frames' durations were increased, so that means more potential hits. Do it, Ada is batshit crazy, awesome, and actually a lot of fun to use. If you can still dodge stall in the air, then heavy attack with her guns, then you're dealing a lot of hurt to your enemy. I love doing this and it's awesome for dealing great damage.
  19. The marimba sounds remind me of basically any Forest theme from PMD.
  20. Feeling computerchippy ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

  21. ^ This sounds like something my grandmother would do, so I believe it.
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