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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. When can we expect another update? And any super secret indication of what OST is up next?
  2. As with other forums, in an attempt to keep the Site Inquiries sub-forum clean & tidy, this thread will conglomerate numerous helpful topics that were previously cluttering the Pinned section of Site Inquiries. Better to have too much of a good thing, but better still to not have all this genius cluttering the site in an unorganized fashion. This thread aims to organize Site-relevant threads into a single location. And as per usual, feel free to post here if you feel a thread should be added to the directory. Alternatively, if you feel a thread is important enough to stay pinned, don't hesitate to leave a post with an explanation. Beneficial Thread Revival vs. Necroposting Forum FAQ & Helpful Tips The Way of the Bump & How to Do So Reporting & The Report Button Warnings & Proper Rule Enforcement PSA on the Spoiler Rule Warning Point Consequences PSA on Rule 7 & Sexual Content PSA on Rule 4 & Slurs
  3. You almost sound disappointed, shipmate. I think the synchronicity of our relationship is noteworthy~
  4. Gate is great and Thrixe is ...uh nicxe? They're both kickass and have my love <3
  5. Welcome! Give the Community Rules a quick read and you're set. Enjoy your time here!
  6. Depends if Swims or Dan can make it a thing. I'll add it to the list and pitch a message to either and see if it's possible. There's some things to consider if it were possible, though. -Can users turn the option to show the notification on and off? -If one user has it on but another doesn't, should the notification show? -Is there demand for the message to show in only a particular chat room?
  7. This merchant in the Agate Circus vends Common Candy:
  8. i thot u ment meak it +'d to teh lihst
  9. Check out the Pokemon Location Guide v3.
  10. I'm hungry for more Tacos wait, that came out wrong can this just bump already
  11. Welcome! We're a friendly bunch, so poke around everywhere and you'll meet positivity. Check out the Community Rules on the left and have fun. Enjoy your time here!
  12. Pre-sneeze face is the best face.

    1. Maelstrom


      You'd make for an evil photographer.

    2. Arkhi


      The worst part is I'd still charge the full price.

  13. This typically isn't my avatar style, but I might make an exception.
  14. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! stay with us
  15. I'm just curious where the PP to use it that many times comes from. There were no abilities nor moves to my knowledge that could force a Leppa Berry onto a Mon using protect. Even if this is all theoretical ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. My math teacher is basically Shia LaBeouf

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juniper


      An actual Cannibal/Hollywood superstar? :o

    3. Maelstrom


      So tell me about the epic fights for life that happen on normal shia lebouf tuesday nights.

  17. Welcome! No questions yet, sir o7 Enjoy your time here!
  18. Welcome! I can't not prescribe this song, so I'll leave it be. Enjoy your time here!
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