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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. Welcome! Your English seems pretty great, so don't even sweat that. After seeing that kickass avatar, I'm inclined to suggest that Wigglytuff should be your favorite. That thing's legit. Enjoy your time here!
  2. Shitposting refers to the creation of multiple topics which could be confined within an already existing thread. This thread is a conglomeration of the poor English/chatspeak- it is one convention in which chatspeak is excused, as mentioned in the rules. As such, there is no need to warn over an excused potential rule breaking. It's unscrupulous for me to excuse my own potentially rule breaking actions as a moderator, so I would like to turn to the other auth's comments on the matter in hopes they make transparent this issue. Arguably, the grammar isn't what is lacking in the thread, but rather syntax and proper spelling. The lack thereof complements the mood of "derp" for which I strove in the thread's creation. eye gotchoo nd now, + + +
  3. Welcome! Hoenn was the best region, so I'm glad to see we agree on that. Enjoy your time here!
  4. kyooger & gerndun, shuggle all dun order is doofdoof zzlax labpress sfeel wall rain "Hedgefund"monlee chibi sharknado
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacos


      He must venture to the deepest parts of the web to retrieve inspiration for arks rt skool.

    3. Omega_Ra1der



    4. 5hift


      MFW I feel I haven't been working out as much lately.

  5. [6:20:33 PM] Tacos: I don’t think I’ve touched reborn since E15 beta [6:20:40 PM] Arkhi: Touch it, Tacos [6:20:43 PM] Arkhi gives him a doll [6:20:58 PM] Tacos hesitantly touches the doll’s collarbone [6:21:02 PM] Arkhi: I see... [6:21:07 PM] Arkhi scribbles notes [6:21:10 PM] Rose facepalms [6:21:23 PM] Arkhi: Dr. Rose, what would you say of the patient's psychiatric progression? [6:21:41 PM] Rose: I would say the patient is slowly recovering from a rather traumatic beta [6:22:49 PM] Tacos: too much trash moving [6:22:53 PM] Tacos: too many emotions [6:22:56 PM] Tacos: too much water [6:22:58 PM] Tacos: 7.8/10 [6:23:11 PM] Sparky: lol [6:23:21 PM] Arkhi: Patient expresses affinity towards memes. [6:23:21 PM] Sparky: That puzzle was confusing af [6:23:49 PM] Tacos: i rate this psychiatric exam 5/7
  6. I'm all for a "Most Memorable" section and "One You NEED To Listen To", though to cut down on an already abundant amount of page lag, I would suggest just listing the songs' names and hyperlink them instead. So hell yeah, the more, the merrier.
  7. Foreword: information taken from Community Upkeep, Dec. 2014 thread. Part of receiving a warning from any Staff member is the potential addition of one or more Warning Points (WPs). Not all warnings will have attached Warning Points, though the majority do. The consequences for any given number of warning points are conglomerated here. This list is iterative with regards to previous Warning Point totals you may have (for example, if you have received a warning for Server Mute Evasion, which comes with 5 Warning Points, the consequences include those from receiving 1 Warning Point, 2 Warning Points, 3 Warning Points, and 5 Warning Points). In addition, if you have previous Warning Points that have not yet expired while receiving a new Warning Point, previous punishments will refresh where applicable- the previous punishments that will be refreshed are the 30-day Post Preview and the Server Lock. Note that these consequences remain unchanged from the Community Upkeep, Dec. 2014 thread, and have remained unchanged since. Potential changes to the consequence list are liable to occur. As of 29 February, 2016, these are the consequences of Warning Point totals: 1 WP: The user is no longer eligible for Voice (an Ace Member-applicable server status). 2 WPs: The user loses Voice status, if they currently have it. 3 WPs: The user loses Ace status and is no longer eligible to buy it. 5 WPs: The user is put on a 30-day post preview. 7 WPs: The user is locked on the server until they fall below 7 points. 10 WPs: The user is banned from the server and forum. The following warnings apply to users on the Showdown Server without forum accounts: 3 WPs on the server: Server Lock until below 3 WPs. 5 WPs on the server: Permanent IP ban from both the Forums and Server. The following warnings apply to users on the Discord Server without forum accounts: 3 WPs on the server: Mute on all text and voice channels until below 3 WPs. 5 WPs on the server: Permanent mute & kick from the Server, and ban from the Forums. If you have any questions pertaining to Warning Points or repercussions, contact the Community Staff.
  8. This week's playlist is up!

  9. So we can have an inverse field, but then if we use Secret Power, it's swapped to Trick Room, which makes it a Chess Board field... how do i keep up
  10. I never knew Reiner's Theme was its own song. Holy crap, I'm real glad you made this because I've been searching for that. Love your top 5 tracks! (even if Everyday Life isn't on it)
  11. Let's not have another Sheeptar incident.

    1. Hiss13


      Good ol' SAO Abridged.

  12. New thing on Jhin:

    1. Shamitako


      That was gorgeous

  13. Welcome! If you enjoy great music in games, check out Journey. And if possible, get it because it's awesome. Enjoy your time here!
  14. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  15. Arkhi

    hi :)

    Welcome, Mohamed! If memory serves, I believe you're the first member from Egypt. That's something to celebrate, yeah? Enjoy your time here!
  16. Welcome! In part with you being from Australia, I'm obligated to provide Blackmill. Enjoy your time here!
  17. Happy birthday to the real music guy in Reborn, Cowtao! You're great, dude, and I want to set things aside and snuggle with you sometime while drinking hot cocoa on this cold winter day, listening to songs like this:
  18. Good stuff. Rulebreaking aside, you'll have fun here. Enjoy your time here, friend!
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