You can't have fun these days without some kind of paperwork, huh? Next thing you know, you'll be receiving spam emails about promotional offers from Reborn grumble grumble
In case you missed it, last night, December 19th, was Reborn's Winter Party: 2015 Edition. I'd like to think it was a blast, but maybe because I helped to make it and want to feel good. Whoops. Let's get to business.
The party went well for those of us who adapted to the circumstances surrounding it. However, if things didn't work out as well as you'd like, this is the place to voice whatever you may have to say about how it can be improved in the future. As you probably noticed, there's an 11-question poll preceding this post. I would very greatly appreciate all sincere replies to the poll in an attempt to improve upon future parties. If you'd like to elaborate upon a particular point, feel free to do so in a reply. Thanks and happy holidays!
Please take an additional poll on the topic of Godot's Smash event!