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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. tfw the uuuuugggggghhhhh has been solved

    1. Tacos


      With the power of teamfork.

  2. I completely understand what you mean. Oh Wonder has some of the most relaxing vocals out there. good shit go౦ԁ sHit thats ✔ some good Christmas song? Happy? ;_; I still absolutely adore this song.
  3. Welcome! Glad to see you enjoy alternative. And "really anything", that specifically gives plenty of leniency to share music. Anyway, enjoy your time here!
  4. Sometimes, I like to look at people's profiles and keep a tab open on their profile so it looks like I've been combing through their profile for tens of minutes straight, stealing their secrets. tfw most shady moderator
  5. Keep the murderous rampage, racism, disrespect, and rudeness out. Otherwise, welcome.
  6. This song's tacky and weird and I love it.
  7. So I didn't.... Whoops! I'm not sure this can be changed, since it contradicts how the code to highlight the subforum works. As some subforum (Site Help) is a subset of a primary forum (Grand Hall), if the sub is updated, the primary must be updated. I'll add it to the list, but I'm not sure any progress will be made. I think that might be it. Besides the Ctrl + Arrow keys select all, and copy & paste, Ctrl + B, Ctrl + I, Ctrl + U, and Ctrl + L seem to be everything else.
  8. The Hurt Locker ft: Rose the Codebreaker, Tacos the lookout, and Sparky the Loader.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacos


      When you can't defuse a bomb for shit so you gotta just watch while everyone does their job

    3. Fumble


      what's Arkhi then

    4. Tacos


      He does it all while simultaneously looking good

  9. tfw Calc final & chill probably won't be chill

    1. Flux


      I feel ya ;-;

  10. Happy birthday, kind leg lady. May your birds fly high and all your sudden movements be accompanied by the sound of whiplash.
  11. Can everybody shout heyo to Captain Kyoyo? Happy birthday \o/
  12. gdi I told Ikaru Will nag him, don't you worry.
  13. If you could instantly learn any instrument, which would it be?
  14. Welcome! Don't worry about posting in the wrong location, the "punishment" for that is a heads-up notification thingy. Enjoy your time here!
  15. Gonna be playing a nigh-endless playlist of Progressive House. Listen in if you'd like to loosen up! https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/reborn-evo

  16. This week's playlist (ft. Jericho) is up!

  17. You know, you're great. The xx has some outstanding stuff, but I won't prescribe what you've likely already heard. If you enjoy The xx, you might enjoy Tycho as well. Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  18. Arkhi


    \o Hey there. Here's to hoping you stay for some time. Have fun.
  19. It's YaBoiKooby

    1. Tacos


      I still don't know who he is

  20. P-p-p-p-p-PIIIIXXXXX??!?!?!?!?!?
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