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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. It's worth investing in a split attacker. Nidoking fits that niche great, though getting a good special move onto it is rough. Sludge Bomb/Wave is an excellent choice for that. I believe you get one or the other from Aya. From there, breed or level up to get some good moves.
  2. Pyon Pyon Kruuuuuel

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arkhi


      Flux, you're brilliant.

    3. Godot


      You are all terrible people.

    4. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      And you are one of us Godot

  3. As for the name of that island you refer to, that would be Blacksteeple Prison.
  4. Likes Escavaliers? YES! We'll get along, friend. Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7gs_lefWA8
  5. Agreed. Maybe it can be disabled or something? At any rate, there's no use searching for posts with triple-digit reputation counts; it's never happened and unless bots come back, it never will happen. Added to the OP.
  6. Surprises are fun anyway! You've been here long enough to know we won't hold you against being someone different for a long time. If we were those kinds of people, I'm willing to bet you wouldn't have stayed here. And it's that simple. What's but a name change and gender "change", as it were, when you're still a very similar person? Glad we could make an impression upon you to want to stay and just as much that you'd like to let us know who you are. That said, I look forward to getting to know you.
  7. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Danny slow down ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ With that meme out of the way... Welcome! Enjoy your time here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nNndyUXGiU
  8. In that case, I'll add this to the OP. I'll also link to this conversation.
  9. It's a cultural difference. Appreciation for media differs from culture to culture. Making the generalization in believing that all modern American media is inept quality is close-minded enough that your claims fall short, even if only alluded to. If the pattern goes that a few Americans you've spoken to present their country's media in a poor light, then speak with more- a small number of Americans does not represent the population as a whole.
  10. Is this a statement on the "simple-headed qualities" of an American who keeps up with modern media?
  11. The player is told there is another PULSE hooked up in Calcenon and one in Labradorra, if I remember correctly. The two are
  12. Today I learned... Neat word. Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  13. I think I read you. As far as I know, that level of customization with the site is currently impossible. Would you still like it added to the OP anyway?
  14. No, not currently. And I've brought this up before at some point. Ultimately, given that so many posts can be edited, it is impractical to bump a thread simply because a single edit may have been made. Good point. Adding to the OP.
  15. Welcome- ...so your username is Singularity, which is the name of a music artist, but then you mention Red & White, which is a song... You win, have two songs. Enjoy your time here! Spoiler'd both to save space
  16. Just to clear some things up... The creator of the game was given permission to use the sprites. As a parallel, credit is given in the Readme, so that covers that. Permission to use the sprites was granted, given that the creator include credits, so this is permissible.
  17. I remember, now... I went off searching for a song to give you for your birthday and got lost, closed the tab, and forgot to post anything. Forgive me, senpai. This is for you, birthday friend \o/
  18. and it only took me four days to notice. Oops. I love that you've subjugated yourself to less than 480 BST Mons. Which is crazy. So this here's for you, friend.
  19. Welcome! We are rather lovely people, aren't we? Enjoy your time here!
  20. This week's setlist (ft. Flux) is up!

  21. Where on their site do you see this?
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