Got it, I'll mark it as Resolved.
Upvoting statuses is only a luxury. If it comes down to site limitations, then the suggestion is, in the end, only a suggestion meant to make the site more attractive. Since there are no returns on investing time and effort into this, then it doesn't need to be added.
As for if it conflicts, I wouldn't think so, so long as a member has used their upvotes for the day. And even then, keeping track of the upvotes for statuses and actual posts could end up being more trouble than it's worth.
While it's expected people will read the rules and understand the limitations and guidelines of the site, people.. kinda don't follow instructions. I think it would just be worth creating a new thread. Though if you will make a Forum FAQ sub-forum, you, Chubb, myself, or another could make a list of important enough threads to be moved there. Preferably, that would cut down on Reports and Warning Points to be made. But again, I think attention is better called to the rules when a recently-made thread is announced.
Holy crap, those threads are from 5ever ago. I mean, it's nice to have the whole forum organized, but they can be moved to Mews & Announcements once everything else is clean. So yeah, once hell freezes over and the human race attains nirvana, then I guess they can be moved. But only then.
I don't know if this thing Sheep is to do has been done, but the On The Hunt forum looks cleaner now. Honestly, very few people check out this thread, so I don't think any other people will pitch their opinions. It's up to you.
Edit: edited the OP, moved some suggestions to the Implemented/Discarded bin, and made the thread a little more manageable to read and understand.