As Noriko dissipated, Janus climbed the ladder to the top. From there, he took in the view of the city and plotted his course to the Industrial District. He took two steps back, then began sprinting, feeling the wind graze across his face; this is the thrill he loved so. The first jump was always the hardest- it spanned twenty feet with only an added altitude of five feet. A bewildering smile lined his face as he took one last step, propelled himself with wind magic, and made the jump...
successfully. He landed with a thud and rolled before continuing forward. Only after he landed did he notice the homeowner staring at him from the rooftop entry, flabbergasted. The man must have finally discovered the source of this loud banging over the course of the last month. As surprise turned to despise, Janus grinned at the man.
"Ciao!" Pushing off with one foot, he regained his speed as he looked back, seeing the man calling the authorities. That'll be a hassle, he thought. Though I do now have Noriko...
"Oi, Noriko!" he said between breaths. "If we find any company we can't evade, do you think you could knock them cold? I'd appreciate it," he ran and ran, about a quarter of the way there.