Hey dudes!
We've got a couple of changes coming to Reborn. Let's start with the more vital alteration to our Community Guidelines. Rule 2, concerning the use of chatspeak (you know the way Terra talks? That's chatspeak), has been removed and Rule 8, permitting just the use of English in public settings, has replaced the now-removed Rule 2. Warnings will no longer be issued for use of chatspeak on the Reborn Forums, Showdown Server, or Discord Server.
The mention of our Showdown Server leads into the second change, which regards the new policy for Song of the Day. Since the removal of rupees with the December site update, SotD policy has changed and we've established a simple system. SotD suggestions may be PM'd to @Arkhi on the forums or Discord server (username Arkhidon#2860), and your song and name will be added to the SotD queue. Users' names will also be added to another queue to track who has suggested a song in the past seven days to prevent multiple songs being suggested from a single user each week. This allows anyone on the forums or server to nab SotD quickly. Over time, we'd like to hear user input to fine-tune this system.
That's all for now. Take care, Reborn!