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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. and this is why you need a unique username.
  2. Welcome! Forensic science sounds pretty cool. If there's a murder mystery, we'll give you a deerstalker and leave the case to you.
  3. Janus "Right, then," he clapped his hands. "We'll be passing through the Commercial District on our way to the Industrial District. Being frugal as I am," he grinned, "we will make due with what we can get. Those in the Industrial District make good enough a living, plus there's a scrapyard from which we can get building supplies." Janus put on his hoodie, then walked on out, breathing in the brisk, morning air. "Let's have a morning jog, shall we?" He whistled as he climbed a ladder leading to a rooftop.
  4. So since you made this thread, I think it's safe to say you've made 1% progress in the Misc. Updates section. You go, Jan \o/
  5. Cartoons were ruined with the introduction of Teen Titans Go! I used to love watching the original show, but then they turned it into more of a humor-centered show than one with the plot of the original- there were multiple plots to follow then: Robin & Slade, Raven & her father, Terra, the other teams (Titans North, East, South), and the ongoing war against The Brotherhood of Evil. Maybe it didn't fit under the title of "cartoon", but it was one hell of a show that had great comedy, even without that being the primary focus.
  6. I find some of the coolest music sometimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAJ_llzDGEc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arkhi


      It's unlike anything I've heard before. That, in conjunction with the artist implementing electronic elements into a traditional song, is what makes it pretty neat.

    3. Godot


      I hear stuff like this a lot in video games. Tekken does it a lot.

    4. Vinny


      Has it passed enough time that I feel weird listening to music in portuguese?

      Tis interesting, I give you that~

  7. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  8. Janus "This is life and death, not a friendly sparring match." Janus stopped, slowly turned around and stared straight into Noriko. "I've been living that way for fifteen years," he said, solemn, unyielding. "I understand what that means." He smiled a little, "So you've got to learn to love the little things, yeah? At any rate, knowing the grimness of the Holy Grail War, you can tag along. I wouldn't mind the company."
  9. I was asking if Kam meant for the most recently upvoted posts to appear first. I'll assume so and add that to the OP.
  10. If I'm gonna kick the bucket, I'll do it an awesome way. My health is good enough that I'm rarely affected day to day.
  11. So the Reputation tab on users' profiles should be ordered by latest upvote?
  12. I have Melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. From what I've gathered, it has only been seen in the women on my mom's side of the family, so I'm the first guy to have been diagnosed with it. The docs suggest not staying in the sun too long, so I can justify staying inside all day frequently. I've gotten surgery on two afflicted areas on my back, but the cancer's still there... somewhere. Odds are my face is the next place at risk, so I'll have to get some kind of surgery there eventually. Other than knowing I have the condition, the only thing that affects me is knowing I can't stay in the sun too long. I don't photosynthesize well.
  13. Typically, I'd just copy the old status, then remove the typo, but I could see the use in this if the status in question is old enough that posting it again would be redundant or... just weird. Added to the OP.
  14. Janus "So we've got to create a suburban bunker, huh?" He knew the task required only the proper materials. It wouldn't take long to patch up holes in the warehouse he had taken to calling home. "Well, if there's nothing more to discuss, then let's get to building," Janus said, eager to get to work. "I'll leave the setup to you. Unless you would rather role swap, I'm headed off to collect materials from the Industrial District."
  15. *xyr Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  16. Edited the OP to reflect that this was done: It was added after the site recovered from downtime.
  17. Janus accepted and believed everything Noriko had to say. If these red tattoos can appear from nowhere, then this story ought to be just as believable. "A wish granted would be nice," he mused to himself. "Well, it looks like there's no option in this, so best to just get going. So we begin with a base, yes? Would my hideaway suffice?" he asked, hoping to get some kind of reaction out of her. This place was far from pleasant. If it came to it, he could pack his bags and travel far, far away. A war of attrition is his best bet at survival.
  18. Sorry about the pause. Since Janus and Noriko are in some unspecified location, can I take that to mean we are in the Suburbs? Or is the brown-ish color that of Janus and Noriko?
  19. I DIDN'T KNOW LEXI MEANT ALEXUS MIND = BLOWN Have an outstanding birthday to both Sheep and Alexus! I've run out of Atok birthday pictures D:
  20. I can't think of much to say other than what's already been said. These themes provide another angle from which the anime can be seen- whether it's a fight that never actually occurred or an event that is yet to come, as Dobby said, openings can provide insight and set the stage for a show to be just absolutely brilliant. On that note, here's my favorite opening and closing. This one's just awesome. We're introduced to the characters as they're actually portrayed in the show- especially Daryun. Not being the main character, he still does all the important fighting. That says a lot about the plot. We're also given a rather exclusive look at the battling skills of The Silver Mask. For a show that can be deceptively dark, this opening never fails to make me smile. It's probably the trumpets or Welf's stupidly happy face or the warm colors or- I just don't know what it is. Everything's just upbeat about this closing theme.
  21. Vinny's got this intro sorted out. Merci beaucoup \o Bienvenue! I've had a weird circumstance with taking French is school, since they weren't very good and always being replaced, so the three years I took translate into only about one good year. But seeing as you like electro, I can provide that. Enjoy your time here!
  22. Janus and Noriko "Are you my master?" the young woman had asked. Under ordinary circumstances, Janus could have poked fun at the girl, but her gaze and wealth in weapons made him second guess. "It... seems that way. That ritual circle ought to be some kind of clue, but seeing as you've simply appeared here, I won't jump to conclusions." He motioned to the levitating spears. "Those are yours, I presume? Is there a reason you prefer carrying weaponry over simply using magic? Or are you preparing for a Holy War?" he asked, not planning the last question. "And while we're at it, I'm Janus Abernathy. Who are you?"
  23. lik this if u lol evrtim Hap-py happy birthday! Hope you had an awesome day!
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