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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. 1) Silk Scarf 2) Silk Scarf 3) Silk Scarf 4) Silk Scarf 5) Silk Scarf 6) Silk Scarf 7) Silk Scarf 8) Silk Scarf 9) Silk Scarf 10) Berry Juice Excellent for LC and smoothies.
  2. Damn straight! That's a sexy muted trumpet. Also, woohoo, Bee Hunter *finally* released something! :DDDD
  3. Enjoy some tropic chill (~˘▾˘)~ ~(˘▾˘~)
  4. ...what do we call you? "It's all a mystery~ Let it come and let it be" Anyway, welcome back! Enjoy your time here!
  5. But really, here's something new.
  6. Janus had narrowly escaped detection after stealing from another store this month. The food should hold me over for another week if I ration well, he thought. Ever since arriving in Seigishi, he had been living comfortably, albeit by the skin of his teeth. It only took getting his hands dirty every once in a while to this up. So long as he had his health, everything would work out. And that bored him. After retiring to his retreat, he placed away his supplies and laid on his bed, his grin slowly fading. He wanted to try something crazy. Not life-threatening, but something to satiate his boredom. He propelled himself up with wind magic, grabbed his hoodie, and began tinkering with an old wooden cabinet. Within minutes, he created a hexagonal wooden ritual circle, laced with fabric from the hoodie he ripped apart. With a splinter of wood, he pricked his finger and let a drop of blood free fall into the center of the circle before lighting the fabric aflame with a match. It had only occurred to Janus then that this was unlike anything he'd done before. But why stop mid-way? With mind at ease, the flame had finally reached full circle. He began chanting: "Let silver and steel be the essence..."
  7. So... Can I take that to mean there's no problem?
  8. Are Master/Servant pairs decided in the IC? And if so, will they be edited into the OPs so that they can be referenced?
  9. Number One: Rupees are obtained from posted in every forum or subforum EXCEPT The Wasteland. Nombre Deux: There is a thread used for suggesting item additions, though it hasn't been added to in a long while nor is it open for posting. You can find it here. Items that were added from requests can be found in this thread. Номер три: Slippers could be added, but it again comes down to whether or not Ame opens up requests again.
  10. TIL that Diglett is able to "pull its head underground at the speed of light".
  11. This week's setlist (ft. Silver) is up!

    1. Vinny


      Silver's list -> Eden Project? tots didn't expect that :T

      Prepare your ears (That's a song btw)

    2. Arkhi


      Is it a glitch hop song?

    3. Vinny


      More like a song from a time before Reborn. Blame my brother.

      a.k.a no

  12. I gotchu. Original link here. I had to crop out the qt because the original image was too wide.
  13. @Kurotsune Because you recognized Tomix, you get a cool avatar.
  14. This one's a wild idea, but the game using it sold well: a game without gyms would be awesome. I've never played Pokemon Colosseum, but I have played XD: Gale of Darkness. It was unique in that it was unlike any other game- no badges, no gyms, only a consistent, flowing storyline for the player to focus on. A lack of gyms and battles would be a great way to bring something fresh to the franchise again. Plus XD was rather full of content, what with Mt. Battle. The Mt. Battle system would also be an excellent addition to a new Pokemon game. Plus that Mt. Battle lobby theme. Damn, that was awesome.
  15. k so i b listnen to guile them and -in like workin on dis am i safe from bad tings now ^ Will due that and shkitty's thang
  16. C-C-C-COMBO BREAKERRRRR Have an awesome, spectacular birthday both of you!
  17. Good to see you're back! Do you think that your unknown ailment could be related to the car crash you were in about a year ago? I'm guessing you and the doctor would have already taken that into consideration, but hey, maybe not. At any rate, it's outstanding to see you've finally broken off from the more destructive path you were on. I wish you the best recovery!
  18. fify As for fighting Hukuna, I hereby pronounce you Dead and Clarice. You may be muted by the bride.
  19. 15 days late means nothing. Plus everyone loves Teen Titans.
  20. Well, the post does contribute to the topic at hand, so that seems excusable. Why would Cain know who the champion is? Because he used to be with the Pokemon League? If so, that could be interesting, since he never speaks of his time as the Poison gym leader.
  21. That's because once you create a trainer card, it is automatically added to your signature. If you added your trainer card manually, delete that one.
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