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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. I've always wanted to feel like an incognito badass. Now I can.
  2. I have a suggestion that I don't think has been brought up: use other artists' music. For example, HappyDragonite, TheGuitahHeroe, or PokeRemixStudio.
  3. This page has been awesome so far. also i have this copied for Silver purposes and it's good so here
  4. Arkhi

    Fletchling ?

    It's partially updated. ShatteredSkys is the only one able to update it, but since he's working on a fan game, finding the time to update it is taxing on him.
  5. Yo! Defensive strats are sometimes kinda maybe fun, so eh but.. Enjoy your time here!
  6. Either this or any of Tristan's cameos in Chapter 11 of AtokNiiro's Treehouse.
  7. PULSE Swalot was the biggest pain in my everywhere... Until I used Ditto.
  8. He's the person who will come for you in your sleep for requesting a ship.
  9. I hear this one guy will be featuring other Reborn members' music in his weekly uploads.
  10. Yo! Cheesecake is pretty eh, but the frosting on ANY cake is usually pretty excellent. Anyway, glad to hear things are looking up for you. Keep it up!
  11. Your hobbies frighten me. I offer this sacrifice in your humble name in the hopes that I may be spared.
  12. Arkhi


  13. Arkhi

    Fletchling ?

    Before making a thread asking about where one Pokemon is, check the Obtainable Pokemon list. The Pokemon are organized by PokeDex number. If you see that the Pokemon you desire is available, then look in the Pokemon Location Guide.
  14. Welcome! Enjoy your time here!
  15. Depending on the type of art you'd like to post, there may already be a thread. There's this thread for posting general art, though I don't know of one that corresponds to Reborn-specific art.
  16. Can we all take a moment to appreciate this because holy guaca. I regret having posted this song for someone I only just met in the Grand Hall because now I want to save it for someone special.
  17. Atok Avi #44 is still looking real nice.

  18. From Elf to animu to cartoon. 8/10
  19. I may or may not have already posted this...
  20. Just wait until you obtain HM05.
  21. http://prntscr.com/7ujspt Great, Facebook, thanks.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      Fisherman Ark

    3. Flux


      There's a pun there, but I don't feel like making it.

    4. Arkhi


      Go for GLORY, Flux!

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