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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Arkhi

  1. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE CANDY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  2. Edited the OP to suggest adjusting the upvote limits. They're rather absurd.
  3. Arkhi

    Hello. :3

    You need not worry- we've got you covered there. Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time here! and if you need more epic music, here's a run for your money
  4. Welcome! Enjoy your time here! rip in peace magikarp, starly
  5. Keep an eye out for Maelstrom. He gooood Anyway, welcome! Glad to see a CS Major here. I might ask you about that sometime. Enjoy your time here! Okay, I'm not original, but this theme's actually pretty neat.
  6. Welcome! You'll find rough competition here, so don't plan on destroying us, yeah? Enjoy your time here!
  7. This man's talking trash about Bigglesworth? You're in for a rough time. If you know where to find the Spiritomb trigger event, it is located to the right of that. I believe that area is in the underground region of Byxbysion, the entrance to which is located in southern Byxbysion. The entrance shouldn't have changed since Nickaboo played. https://youtu.be/smU1LIo16Ys?t=10m43s
  8. Chikorita for your starter? . . . Have fun.
  9. He's pleading the character to battle with him- and he's just the nicest guy working with the not-nicest people. Plus, as it turns out, Solaris notes his incompetence rather than his disloyalty; it would be easier to get away with being too weak than disloyal. Disloyalty is a sign of weakness anyway, so if Taka is punished for his weakness, in theory, it should be less severe than for disloyalty. Look at the grunts: they're all relatively weak, but they don't seem to be replaced an overwhelming amount. Many new names come up during each encounter, but old names have remained. For Solaris to take note of Taka's failure, that may signal the final straw, though. Pleaaaase don't kill Taka. He's got a cool scarf.
  10. @Anyone who wants to be super cool
  11. TIL flimflam is actually an official word.
  12. Welcome! Back! /o\ -o- \o/ Party hard! Enjoy your time here!
  13. It seemed only logical that lamenting on the past would be a quick path to depression and anxiety. Moving forward would be Keaton's best bet. "Ms. Archer, I will take your offer." He wanted to ask more, but he knew that by now, his secret project- hacking into the place's security- was nearing completion. His safest bet was to oblige and learn more on his own. "Before I leave for Zeus- or whoever or wherever else- I'll need to pick up my weaponry," he told Archer. "And a meal," he added as his stomach grumbled again.
  14. This song would be so much better without those squirrel-y voices >_>
  15. This week's summer setlist is up! The playlist length is greater than any I've made before, so note that my user page will lag. Whoops.

    1. Vinny


      Cr1tikal description says: "This is the greatest playlist of All Time."

    2. Arkhi


      Pokemon Reborn Gameplay and Commentary

  16. Made my account circa Ep. X.

    1. Felicity



      I'M MAGIC!

  18. Newly-repaired flutes play so well oml

  19. He's unbelievably PO'd at people invading his homeland. I see IIIX -> XIII, which makes me think either misfortune or Organization 13. 13/10
  20. I loooove Shuckle. And you like math. So we'll be friends. Anyway, welcome! Enjoy your time here!
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