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HUEnd last won the day on April 16 2017

HUEnd had the most liked content!


130 Benefactor


About HUEnd

  • Birthday 07/05/1998

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  • Interests
    Gaming (pretty much everything) and Learning a lot ^^'

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  1. Happy Birthday ๐Ÿ˜„, i hope that you will have a fun day ๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸŽ‚

  2. Main-game HoF: Additional notes: X-League Post-game HoF: Additional notes:
  3. And ta-da! Trade done successfully! Hope you enjoy it ;)
  4. Happy Birthday Huend ๐Ÿ˜„, i hope that you will have a great dayย ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŽ‚

  5. Had some silly ideas during work, so I decided to drop'em here: Mimikyu Crest: Disguise never breaks, but still takes 1/8 damage from getting hit and heals 1/8 of Max HP if the holder is not hit this turn, but the holder can only use status moves. Wobbuffet Crest: Decreases the opponent's highest attacking stat by one stage and everytime the holder is not hit by a move that does damage, activates all entry hazards at the end of the turn; Slaking Crest: If the holder uses Slack Off, Truant gets supressed next turn; Oranguru Crest: Upon using Instruct, increases the target's highest stat by one stage and heals the holder by 1/8; Passimian Crest: Ignores Follow Me and Spotlight's effects;
  6. "i don't even remember what the characters are named at this point, sry for wasting your time have a nice day" Whoever did this, you're a legend and don't worry because you're not alone.
  7. I don't know if you got it, but I stumbled upon your post several days ago and couldn't try it out earlier, but yeah, you can find Thick Clubs on wild Cubones at Vejyr. Sorry for taking so long to try it out! >.<
  8. So I just finished E5 and I got a couple of ones to point out: Articuno Drilbur: Pinsir:
  9. Happy Belated birthday, hope it went well

  10. Happy Birthday HUEndย ๐Ÿ˜„, i hope that you will have a greatย day ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿฐ

  11. You might also want to chain breed all 31's you want first on a single pokemon using the strat Edo mentioned (Power items and Destiny Knot), so it's easier for you to breed other pokemons in the future without relying on the 1/32 chance of getting the desired 31 random stat. Just catch a bunch of pokemons that belong to the dragon (our other groups if you feel like it) group and start the chain. Once you get your first 5~6 x 31 IVs males, things will get a lot easier.
  12. Yep, they're all 30s and 31s (except Atk which you won't use). And about the Diglett, I'd like the female one, please! My IGN is also HUEnd. I'll be on the waiting screen in a minute.
  13. Hey there @P.Kiko! I already have a bunch of HP Fire Snivies (only found the random nature ones, but I might end up finding a Timid one) lying around, so if you still need one and want to save @Node15's time, just let me know and we can trade (hint: I'd appreciate one of your Jolly digletts)!
  14. As far as I can remember, Fissure Machamp was only a thing in Gen 1 mechanics, so it's not really an egg move and, therefore, cannot be obtained in Reborn as there was never an episode with said mechanics.
  15. Well, I've been running a rainbow team on Rejuv (regular difficulty) so...yeah, Ryland was such a pushover that I only atually realized he was a gym leader when I was wondering how I could spend this Pyramid Point thing I got after defeating him. Hey, it was, like, 5 am and I was almost falling asleep, so don't judge me
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