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About brxyden

  • Birthday 10/15/1997

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    My Room

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    If you want to receive a shiny as a gift, you visit this thread 🙂


  2. Alright, I'm ready whenever you are. Thanks again for the help! @StarryDreamerKitten
  3. @StarryDreamerKitten I don't need any egg moves. Just one that wouldn't make breeding another 3 hour process. My online name is Noc. Would you want a mawile or one of the shinies by any chance?
  4. Edit: Got the mon. Just looking to breed an Alolan exeggutor. If anyone has one with decent IVs, I can trade you a 5 IV mawile or one of the shinies in this box if you want one.
  5. brxyden


    I'm just confused is it an event pokemon that only appears in certain conditions, or is it a wild pokemon?
  6. if i never get a shiny metagross my life will forever be incomplete.
  7. mostly breeding, working on getting pinsir, getting event pokemon i missed, and a pickup crew
  8. brxyden


    Alright thanks!
  9. brxyden


    Well that's upsetting D: So should I just keep leaving the area and just coming back?
  10. brxyden


    I'm searching for buizel and I've found the cave where he spawns, but are there any weather condition requirements because I can't get him to spawn. (Ep. 10.1 not 10.5)
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