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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Myval

  1. Ah, thank you for that directory. I wasn't wanting to convert my old save (I didn't even make it out of the very first room because of an error that I was still working on). So it works now, thank you for that!
  2. Hi, so i recently changed systems and i'm trying to get used to using the Mac. When I run the updater for the mac, it runs and seems to complete but I still get the same error message that i got before running the updater. When I boot up the game it runs through the inital screen for Chapter 6 but then immidately goes to a long exception error that says: Exception: NoMethodEroor Message: undefined method '[]' for #<Pokebattle_Trainer:0x000000012636e940 @saveNumber=0, @Formseen+[nil, then it repeats [[]. I've tried to see if i patched it correctly, but i am having a hard time checking that on Mac, also i don't have a previous save, which was an issue I had seen crop up before in other posts. I'm feeling kinda stumped Any help would be appreciated.
  3. Oh, there is a thread now. Give me a bit, and I'll see if I can get a post up for Tim.
  4. Hmm, Well the whole less human plot and having to try to figure out what had happened with the humans of the region. I could see Kalos working very well with that general idea (maybe an after affects of the X&Y? Maybe something backfired dunno. But honestly I like either Reborn, Sinnoh or Kalos I really don't think that Legendaries should be used, unless if it is done by the GM, as an NPC. I think it would ruin the fun of the pcs. Also my biggest disagreement with those who've posted so far is the same species. Mainly because of Eevee. I mean, it might be interesting to have a couple pc eevees who evolve differently depending on the situation they where in. Also in theory each individual of a given species can be different. otherwise, i think that a list would be best (with the right of veto or suggesting a pokemon and letting the GM have the final say.
  5. Myval


    Banned for threatening assassination?
  6. Is this still going? It would be a great to have a roll call to see who is still in this, and interested.
  7. I'm fine with waiting. Things take time, to plot, plan and move forward.
  8. Well depends on who you ask.. But no Lets go with.. Karp.
  9. Well I like Fire-types. So I guess I'm a hit and a miss XD I'm guessing.. Alpha?
  10. I figured as much, but the sentiment remains the same. Thanks ^ ^ I've just got caught up with what has happened and what not XD
  11. Alright, I'll just get Tim set up. I'm more then certain I'll have more characters to add. -Name: Timothy Bruun -Appearance/Characteristics: Timothy stands just shy of 5'8. He is slightly pudgy, with an averagely broad shoulders. He has short cut brown hair with well trimmed goatee, usually not much longer then stubble. He has a pair of small wire rimmed glasses, being severely nearsighted without them. He tends to wear work clothing, usually a polo of some sort and slacks. He has a preference for khaki slacks, and a dark brown, or green polo. Timothy has a strong sardonic streak, often relying on dry, and impressively worded phrases. He is very intelligent, but otherwise withdrawn. His independent streak is often hampered by his own common sense, if he can see the logic in another's plan, he will go with it, usually begrudgingly, but he will help. -Birthday: March 15th (more often then not he will be around 25, unless if the setting needs older or younger.) -Roleplay Universe: Any modern setting will work.
  12. Is there room for another person? It seems like you are between missions. I can easily work out a small character sheet to post on the thread, with the RP Characters.
  13. Well that would explain why it wasn't working during my second gym match. But thank you
  14. Hey, guys, a sort of new player here. I orginally downloaded the game back in December, and just got off my rear to sign up, after lurking for just under a month. But anyhow; Hi I'm Myval. I'll probably go by a couple of names, will most likely respond to any of my orginal rp character names, if used. I'm currently going to uni for social studies education, so yah fun. I'm current doing a new play through, because I had gotten stuck on Shelly's gym with one of my teams, and unfortunately that game is one a different computer I don't have access too. So woo for starting over XD Though one thing I did notice, cause I was having issues finding a place for a full out question, was did Unburden work? I had tried to use it when my starter had it, but I wasn't sure if it was working or not. There wasn't a game message to clue me in... If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be splendid. But anyhow, thanks for listening to me ramble ^ ^
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