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Everything posted by CruelCrow

  1. CruelCrow


    Okay, so is there a guy in some really obvious place that teaches Headbutt, or a TM in plain sight that somewhere that everyone except me has found? Or do you have to find a pokemon that learns it by level up? If it's the latter, any suggestions? Preferably one that learns it at a low level and is easy to find/catch?
  2. This is rather late but I has a picture of the Lillipup glitch
  3. Maybe put Rock Smash on Donphan? I mean, how much do you need both Body Slam and Take Down? And yeah, I dropped Loudred too. For a replacement, I'm not sure... Maybe a Moxie Gyarados? It's a good sweeper, plus it'll give you more type coverage. If you choose that, I'd recommend a Dragon dance set, but it comes down to personal preference. What I did to make my team was just look at the obtainables list and chose my favorites that I knew would work well together. You could check it just to see what more of your options are and go about getting them.
  4. CruelCrow

    Shiny Rates?

    If I recall correctly it's about 700/65500 so slightly above 1 percent. Nintendo shiny rate: 1/ LOLNOPE Reborn shiny rate: 1/possible
  5. Are you talking about the puzzle with the checkerboard/grid bounder design with the three blue tubes? I'm hopelessly stuck on that one, no idea how to finish it. I can only ever get 2 and I've tried it like 10 times..
  6. ...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Looks for it... yep, there it is, the status that mistakes the status bar for the search bar.

    3. Shanco


      Leave the dude alone, he just wants to start a conversation with Shade.

    4. CruelCrow


      I would never do that Mael... Heh...

  7. I LOVE the Tyrunt/Tyrantrum, Good job. The Greninja is cool too, although I think the white spots should be red to complement the scarfy thing more.
  8. Yeah... I copied and pasted the eyes from Espurr because I feel like it doesn't look enough like Espurr without them. And the eyes on the Bulbasaur I did would have been fine if I had left them red rather than trying to make them gold.
  9. I do like that red better. The original does look kinda faded, whereas yours is a much deeper color. Actually looks like a ruby, how fitting XD Well I gave the Espurrised Meowth a shot, looks kinda hilarious actually
  10. I'd have to agree with you on Rayquaza. I don't have 3DS and theres no emulator(Yet? ) but Yvetal seems pretty legit too. For 3rd I can't decide between Heatran or Giratina. Although competitively I like Genesect, for my MonoBug team
  11. Its called pokegear in this game. It uses the 2nd generation name and style. Similar concept though, just a collection of useful tools, but the Poketch was much more sophisticated and more convenient. Also the poketch used the touchscreen, so it would have to be reformatted. More "Apps" could be added on the pokegear in theory, not sure how useful some apps would be because it's not readily available, you have to go to the menu, then pokegear, etc... It was cool when it was on the touchscreen because it was always there and constantly updated.
  12. Yeahhh, thought format might be an issue. But like I said, I was just testing ideas and colour schemes out. The eyes on the bulbasaur were screwy because I was playing around on paint and had no idea what I was doing, plus I tried to change them from the original color which changed the shades and made them look worse.Using Corel now though and I can actually get stuff done decently. And I just looked up something along the lines of "All pokemon sprites zip" and downloaded a zip file. The starting quality is fine, I think it's just how I saved them. I notice when I go back to get them they're all blurry.
  13. Recolouring... Why? Does it look like I made it? XD I'm not that dedicated, I'd give up on that way too easily. And I just found a a great new tool on the software I use. I can basically select an area, and fill it in a way, but it detects the shades and replaces them with corresponding shades. So for example on Bulbasaur it made the dark shades of green dark gray, and the lighter shades a light gray. Should come in handy, it literally takes me about 30 seconds to do it that way. Also: Is there a zip file somewhere so I can just grab all the sprites? I found one but the backgrounds are all in black and its hard to work with.
  14. Heres an Ivysaur with a similar scheme.. Might keep the eyes red on both. Thoughts?
  15. It's just an idea, wanted to see what people think. Feel free to fix it if you want On a separate note, did the sprites update real-time somehow? I am relatively new and started on Episode 10, and my shiny Vulpix used to be gold, but now the sprite changed to the updated gray one I saw earlier, and I never updated the game in any way...
  16. Saw this topic and became really interested. I think it's kinda awesome how this game is starting to be made by a community of players rather than just an individual or a small team. Well anyways, this was my attempt at Bulbasaur. I know the suggested theme is the Mewtwo clone but I don't think the difference is very noticeable, especially on a sprite, plus it'd be hard to show. Yes, i screwed up the eyes And also it kinda looks like it has a greenish tint here. I dunno why . So not awful for a first attempt I guess
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