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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Johnnyjoker

  1. Moxie Kroko, Alolan Raichu, any Skilllink, Speedboost (x scissor baton pass protect sword dance) ninjask everyone super funny and strong sweepers Good starters are SB torchic, chinchar and popplio
  2. A muk should do the job for you (SludgeWave poisons the field aswell), or maybe try to set up some nastyplot or sword dance and sweep him hard
  3. Hello, i am really looking for a leafstone ( i cannot buy since i upgraded too early the route 4 orphanage) and a dusk stone, i'm @ Kakori gym and i'm actually tired of having Gloom and Misdreavus at lvl 50
  4. I actually never liked aggron, but i got the magic guard solosis, i think i can try reuniclus, even if i like him more in a trickroom team, thx
  5. Metagross @Occa Berry Clear body Adamant Nature Stealth Rock Hammer arm Bullet punch Zen Headbutt I just didnt find a better lead than Meta, free Sr, good stab on both Zen HB and Bullet punch, which can be used as a revenge kill too, Hammer arm+bp to cover on dark sweepers Milotic @ Leftovers Marvel Scale Bold Nature Scald Recover Ice Beam Haze Basic staller and defensive milotic, Icebeam to cover up on grass, STAB scald and haze to erase Sword dance/DD abuser Togekiss @ Salac Berry Serene Grace Timid nature Aura Sphere Air Slash Nasty Plot Substitute Keeping the sub until salac's working, spam nastyplot as much as i can to get 2 or 4+ and trying to sweep everything, i saw this Toge on the internet and i immediatly fell in love Gliscor @ Toxic orb Poison Heal Careful Nature Sword dance Knock off Facade (Waiting for EQ, i dont know if i can get it trought breeding ) U-turn Usual Gliscor, nothing to say, Facade showed up some good coverage i didn't expect Clafable @Leftie Magic Guard Calm Nature Cosmic Power MoonBlast Wish ( Waiting for tutor to get Softboiled) Flamethrower Bulky as hell, good coverage. Magicguard op Need the 6th one , i'm switching between Krookodile and Aerodactyl but they dont fit this well, feel free to criticize those members too
  6. Thank you all for the warm walcome Btw charlotte is soooo lame i had to figure out how fields work and then i just realized that i had rain dance on Sharpedo... and with Ninetales' drought the fields changes in rainbow + rain, and after losing like 18376567829 times to her i did a 6-0...
  7. Hello everybody, you can call me Johnny, i'm 20 years old, pokemon lover since i was 5 and i study informatic engeneering. My first time in Reborn was episodes 1-9, but after finishing it, i bought a new pc, so i totally forgot both the forum and the game. But hey i downloaded episode 1 to 14 two weeks ago and i felt in love once more with this game, great storyline and sidequests, and themes are just WOW, definitely my favourite pokemon game ever ( it could have also been better with a Milotic but k.. nothing's perfect ) . Nothing else, i hope i'll enjoy this new adventure as bad as i did some time ago
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