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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Solarance

  1. Jeez it's been a while since I've been here.... can't believe @Commander has kept it alive this long.
  2. A little over a year later, I reappear, just to disappear again.

  3. I hear Reborn is almost done? :eyes:

    1. Candy


      Idk, is it? It's on E18, and E19 is the last but there is an indefinite amount of time until that's completed 😛

    2. Q-Jei


      We also have to wait for the entire post-game part to be done too, since Ame had stated long ago that the development of this episode would be split in half with the main quest part on one side (Final Gym Leader + the E4 + the Champion) and the post-game part on the other side.

  4. It's been a while, Happy New Years everyone!

    1. Dreamy


      Happy new year!

  5. Wew I come and go more often it seems...

    1. IntSys


      Welcome back!

  6. Boop

    1. Zarc


      You're the one who worked with Commander on reborn hardcore if i remember correctly ? If so , a lot of thanks to both of you :) I did a run on it and i found it very entertaining !

    2. Solarance


      Yeah, thanks... Commander needs all the thanking for that, and for his current project. I really just started up the idea of Hardcore and he took over from there...

  7. I haven't taken a good look at this place in a while... so big and flashy lol.

  8. I triggered the 'VGC' wolf. http://imgur.com/IzoXm3K

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      Gods, I've been trying to get him out of my YouTube recommendations for what seems like for-fucking-ever now.

    3. pyrromanis


      An acheivement any brain-factioned human that must get!

    4. Shing


      I mean, is this even expected?

      No harsh feelings for Verlisfy, but blocking people is a normal thing for him when he makes always some stupid drama. Especially if someone disagree at the smallest thing sigh..

  9. Woahhhh, this is cool.

  10. Happy belated birthday to me, yeah... lol

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Silly Solarence, did you forget your birthday again

    2. Ironbound


      happy birthday

  11. https://www.youtube.com/user/utuber6061backup/videos OST ripped from the Demo, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!
  12. Soundtrack getting ripped from the Demo

  13. So ends the era of one, but another one has arrisen

  14. Hello and welcome to the final update post of this thread! We are retiring this thread for a new, tidier one for Episode 16's release. Thank you for keeping up with this thread for over a year, we hope you enjoy what is to come! Find the new thread here
  15. I think Commander said ETA was 1 month after release.
  16. With Goat having just came out, been addicted to this song again.
  17. John Oliver is amazing
    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Welcome to what my state needs to use their tax payers money on

  18. Get to sign an NDA tomorrow, can't wait!

    1. Sutoratosu
    2. Solarance


      Can't publicly disclose that part :P

    3. Sutoratosu


      Good boy. You passed the test.

      You won't get prosecuted and/or sued afterall

  19. Hello Ace Member World! :o (Thank you so much Trevore!)

  20. Anyone feel generous to give 2k rupees (Ace Membership is calling my name :()

    1. Tringus


      Say no more, hombre, I got you fam.

  21. Links have been updated in the original post!
  22. Please vote on this topic involving Reborn Hardcore. http://www.strawpoll.me/11024739

    1. Solarance


      Commander will be taking care of all the information in the thread once it comes into existance.

    2. Commander


      This is merely for where to place the mod thread for Episode 16. Also, I'm working on an essay so it'll be a while. Links are up in the op though.

  23. Being social IRL feels weird

    1. Hexagoen


      I mean the difference between IRL and Online is that we have the mindset that we are anonymous. Something so simple like that can really change how people act.

    2. Shamitako


      I honestly feel no different either way

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