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About HiI'mJulian

  • Birthday 08/07/1995

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    Helping people and Art! Corny huh?

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  1. Ubers can be extremely difficult sometimes.

  2. ?.....!......

    1. Chevaleresse


      *cue gen 1 battle music*

  3. That's what makes her so cool.
  4. Imagine Pokemon without hax.

    1. Kamina


      stall errywhere

    2. Sylvan Nephilim

      Sylvan Nephilim

      Genius can be measured by the ability to react to unexpected events. Taking hax out of Pokemon would make it less competitive.

    3. Magus


      It wouldn't be the same, pokemon is notorious to be annoying that is what makes it so fun.

  5. It feels really good to make friends and help them out <3

  6. @Swimmer I agree this thread should be pinned too. Is there a HM and TM thread? Need to find those.....
  7. I procrastinate way to much. It can't be helped. I multi task too much ^^ lol

  8. I actually really appreciate someone making a second one of these. Not sure if Nickaboo will be back.
  9. No you aren't . Once her hail is up just switch in vulpix/ninetales to get rid of it. Once Abomasnow is gone it's easy sailing since she loses her weather Pokemon.
  10. Congrats on releasing this. Takes a lot of hard work.
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