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mkrosar last won the day on January 11 2015

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About mkrosar

  • Birthday 03/01/1994

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Traveling, writing, Pokemon, art, beauty.
    U. S. Navy (active duty) and water pokemon master.

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  1. Yea the lady is a total duche. Personally, I suggest joining aqua.
  2. how would i add my own custom sprites to the game?
  3. Welcome to the reborn family!
  4. Believe me bro, you're not alone on this one. To answer you question, no you're not. Video games are a form of expression that allows us to escape the hardships of reality into a world in which all manner of things are possible,much like painting or writing (in a broad sense). Believe it or not, I met my partner because of video games; it's part of what brings us together. If games are what you love, never let anyone make you feel any less because of it. That's my advice to you.
  5. Ok so I'm not sure how many of you guys remember, but a few weeks ago I announced that I proposed my boyfriend that I had been with for years. Being that you all are my reborn family, I thought I'd update you on some stuff that's been going on so far. First thing: the actual wedding won't be for a while (being that I'm about to leave for the Navy). However, we went to city Hall and are legally married (Yay!). Second, I'm leaving for boot camp soon, then shortly afterwards A-school (in Navy terms: school for your job). We've heard alot about how difficult it is to be in the military and have a civilian relationship, but we want each other and are willing to work through it. I'm sure some of you have your opinions about long distance relationships so don't be afraid to post them below. Thanks again to everyone who wish me luck when I first told you all. Thanks for all the support.
  6. Discharge, tri-attack, recover, signal beam. Recover is too valuable a move not to use.
  7. I'd add some level of character customization, like in pokemon insurgence. Nothing too fancy but its something to add a bit more personal touches to the game.
  8. It depends. If your using it to help Lvl up lower Lvl pokes, then Yea it's a good thing, but if there's already high Lvl pokes on your team you run the risk of over lvling them.
  9. Welcome heather! Hey I don't think I was ever given a song?
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