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About Dave.

  • Birthday January 8

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  1. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^

  2. Ahh thanks, that would be because I already have that line from earlier episodes, so I didn't notice as I was looking through the obtainable list. Nearly missed Munchlax/Snorlax too!
  3. Allow Charizard for the 6th? Looks like a dragon and when we get mega evolutions it IS one.
  4. Druddigon's coming in the next episode, so we can make that 5 now. Nearly a full team!
  5. So it's official then, we've got quite a few new Pokemon to enjoy this upcoming episode if the obtainable list is to be believed! Think I've got them all, if anyone can see any I've missed let me know! Kangaskhan Horsea Elekid Magby Chikorita Quilfish Delibird Wailmer Absol Snorunt Munchlax Glaceon Dusknoir Blitzle Cubchoo Druddigon Golett Pawniard Clauncher Phantump Bergmite And no more Bulbasaur
  6. At least, that would make sense for me!
  7. Nice one, I've got mine ready for when he does.
  8. Yeah that looks great, cheers! I'm ready to trade whenever.
  9. Sounds great, thanks! I'm not overly fussed, defensive-weighted IVs or nature would be best, but I mainly want it to fill my Pokédex and can always breed another later if I decide to use it. And yep that's no problem, I've just bred one for you now, it's got strong IVs in attack, special attack and defense, and has a jolly nature (+speed, -special attack). Is that alright? I can teach it Facade, no problem. I've got all available TMs up to now (I think!) so if there's any other moves you want it taught let me know.
  10. Would you be able to offer me a Gulpin in return for a freshly bred Riolu? If no, then I can offer anyone essentially any Pokemon for a Gulpin, any interest?
  11. Anyone know if this is still accurate as of Episode 11? Been looking for hours in Jasper/Beryl and not seen a Tangela once. (Hi by the way, I'm new here. Cracking game!)
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