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About Yazmat

  • Birthday 12/30/1994

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  1. E4: Bennet (Bug) Heather (Flying) El (Normal) (Replaced with Laura in the rematch) Anna (Psychic) Chamption: Lin (mixed or Dragon which is probably considering in the online league everyone was using Monotypes.)
  2. She also has a Gengar and a Drapion. Although I´m not sure if her Drapion has a Dark type attack
  3. Sirius also has a Probopass and Honchcrow
  4. Yazmat


    Tangrowth is made of Vines so it was used to expand the Forests. Muk is made out of slime so it was used to poullute the water. Camerupt is a volcano and Team Meteor was gonna us it to erupt Pyrous Montain. Abra is known to teleport around and the were gonna use it to teleport behind those mysterious doors. Clauncher is basically is basically a canon so it was used as a canon to keep intruders away. Mr Mime is a mime and and is used to put up a big wall. Avalugg is a Iceberg and used to make a big wall out of ice. Garbador is made of trash und waste appeared in the wasteland because of it. I think we gonna fight a Pulse Hippowdon who creates a big sandstorm in the dessert. Also if Team Meteor is gonna go for destruction again the may use a Pulse Electrode. It´s gonna be interesting if we gonna fight a Pulse Rayquaza who creates big storms.
  5. Here are some corrected Movests (all from my memory): Julia: Emolga - Nuzzle instead of Tail Whip Both Voltorbs - Rollout instead of Spark Electrode - Charge/Sonicboom instead of Spark/Explosion Florinia: Maractus - Nature Power instead of Cotton Spore Grotle - Sandstorm instead of Curse Breloom - Spore/Mach Punch instead of Stun Spore/Headbutt Taka and ZEL: Glaceon - Icy Wind instead of Ice Shard Corey: Skrelp - Venom Drench/Toxic Spikes instead of Acid/Poison Tail Grimer - Mud Bomb instead of Acid Spray Croagunk - Venoshok instead of Swagger Crobat - Nasty Plot instead of Poison Fang Shade: Gengar - Dream Eater Aya: Tentacruel - Sludge Wave Nidoqueen - Icy Wind instead of Iron Tail Gengar - Sludge Wave instead of Sludge Bomb Dragalge - Dragon Tail instead of Dragon Pulse
  6. I personally would like to have higher leveld Pokemon and infinitely rebaatleable trainers. Especially after Radomus and Route 2
  7. That´s actually deliberate on Ame´s part.
  8. Isn´t that basically the same Team he had against Serra. The only difference is he has an Darmanitan instead of a Magmar and Serra gave him trouble. Considering Blake´s battle is pretty similiar to Serra´s I expect a lot of rage (and YouTube comment salt).
  9. I like how Shofu´s fans think that Charlotte´s ace being above the Level cap is totally surprising thing. You know, something which happens since Radomus. @Migty Kamina Don´t bother getting in to arguments. I did it before and it just ended up in circles how the Rainbow field negates weather wars or something.
  10. I thought the main complain about Route 2 was that it´s really annoying, time consuming and quiet badly designed.
  11. Is there a reason why Shade starts of with the factory field in 14.6. Meanwhile in 14.5 he starts of with his shrt circuit field like it should be.
  12. Against Luna he has Scyther which her Team is weak against and Ferrothorn which can probably take care of Honchcrow. Against Radomus he has Scyther again and Krookodile as well as Ferrothorn again to take care of Guardevoir. Against Serra his only real which wouldn´t die immediatly would be Ferrothorn which can maybe outstall her Pokemon. Although I seriously doubt he had an easy Team beating those Gym Leaders like he claimed.
  13. @Derpy Simon The 5th move on Kiki´s Gallade was a claim shofu once made which I´m pretty sure turned out to be false and sofu was simply frustrated by constantly losing against her.
  14. I just realized that after shofu used Surf on the superheated field, the accuracy of evey Pokemon got lowered every time a Pokemon got hit with surf. This means with one Surf got lowered by 3 stages for using only one Surf. It´s a similar thing like using Discharge in a double battle on the Factory-/Short-Circuit field where the field changes everytime someone got hit (which means it can change up to 3 times with one attack). Ame decided to leave it in because it was a neat effect but I still don´t think it should be left like this.
  15. Does anyone know how familiar he is with Gen 1 mechanics?
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