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Everything posted by beepboopbeep

  1. Appreciate this post a lot - I'll give it a shot again later. I've done some variations but I think there's something with the levels perhaps causing Typhlosion to turn-1 eruption instead of solarbeam even with water/ground pokes out. Fake out sounds like a good idea as well - I'm just somewhat resistant to training up any more pokemon given how much grinding I've done lately (first to beat samson, now for charlotte) but I guess it's necessary. I'm too hooked on the story to let a silly fight get in the way ^.^
  2. The problem is still being outsped - Blaziken gets beat by BOTH typhlosion and ninetales turn 1, and its speed evs/ivs aren't that bad (114/25). If Typhlosion uses Erupt, I have literally zero pokemon that do not get one-hit by it given the STAB+field+sun combo. Ninetales' heatwave bring blaziken to 25-30% so anything knocks it out turn 2. At this point I'm just resetting to try to manipulate the RNG to avoid eruption but no matter what I send out alongside Blaziken, it's turn 1 eruption from typhlosion. If I send out two other pokemon to lure out solarbeam, swapping into Blaziken gets him rekt. I've done about 30 resets trying this strategy this morning. It doesn't work. I have nothing that outspeeds her solar beam users. "Fun" battle. Back to grinding up bronzong I guess. Thanks for the suggestions, in any case - my salt isn't directed at you guys, but at this absurd battle.
  3. I am also having a hell of a time with Charlotte. I've already trained up a swampert from 5-67, but just can't get it to stay out long enough even if I bring down the weather. It has poor speed/def/spdef evs and ivs and just gets wrecked quickly by everything on her team. Was hoping to run a trick room setup with prankster but unfortunately I beat Radomus before he gave out that TM, so I don't have it. Is there any way to get it if you didn't obtain it after that battle? I've also had to heal in Calcenon so unfortunately teleporting back to Reborn city isn't possible anymore. I did that once while in the circus to pick up an ability capsule for Blaziken. Current team: Swampert, Damp, 67 Brick Break Rain Dance Surf Earthquake Mamoswine, Oblivious, 63 Blizzard Earthquake Ice Shard Thrash Blaziken, Speed Boost, 69 Bulk Up Blaze Kick Hi Jump Kick Brave Bird Luxray, Guts, 66 Wild Charge Discharge Swagger Crunch Gengar, Levitate, 66 Shadow Ball Dark Pulse Curse Confuse Ray Alakazam, Inner Focus, 68 Psychic Shadow Ball Grass Knot Recover Remotely viable pokemon in PC: Toxicroak, Dry Skin, 60 Sucker Punch Feint Attack Poison Jab Mud Bomb Scrafty, Moxie, 61 Hi Jump Kick Swagger Crunch Facade Magmar, Flame Body, 63 Flamethrower Fire Punch Feint Attack Confuse Ray Yanmega, Speed Boost, 65 Air Slash Bug Buzz Detect Uproar I do have heart scales so unlearned moves could be possible, but no ability capsules. A couple low-level pokes in the PC have prankster but I'm not sure if any of them can rain dance (and as said above, trick room out of the question). Generally what happens is I just get outsped and annihilated even if I can get up a rain dance or blizzard early - things just hit too hard and when the second ninetales comes out I'm toast since the rain dance / blizzard setters tend to be dead at that point. Oddly the most success I've had is what got me past the last few leaders: setting up on Blaziken and just Hi Jump Kicking the crap out of their team. But no one else can survive long enough and this strat keeps either of my surf/earthquake users from doing their thing. I'd prefer not to grind up an entirely new pokemon if possible - getting the swampert up this high already sapped a lot of my motivation to continue playing. Any ideas? tl;dr field effects OP, c'mon Ame difficult is fun but Charlotte is absurd without counterteaming. And inb4 "I beat it on the first try because my team was fast and had five earthquake / rock slide users".
  4. Sorry to necro, but can these override set fields like big top or darkness?
  5. Yep! Gonna work on a rotom next, I think. Hopefully we'll get appliances for the forme-change too. Lots of new Gen6 pokes to bring in to the team as well Thanks all! Graykun... that color scheme on your team... beautiful.
  6. No kidding. I have like four from before I realized that you could reset-mine ...speaking of which, do rocks reset when you change versions? I started on 10 so I haven't been through an update cycle before.
  7. Ah, thanks! Looks like contrary is working as intended, according to the release post? Also RIP tauros teleporting
  8. Introduction! Hi all - I've been playing this game for a while and lurking on these forums, but didn't try to register until recently. I'm a grad student in the US and can't justify too much Reborn playtime with my workload, but you can bet I'll marathon once E11 drops. Looking forward to hopefully contributing some new poke locations with 10.5! ~Amelia
  9. Not going to lie, I'm one of those opposing nerfs of all varieties in this game - as someone who doesn't face good competitive players regularly, it's improved my skillz measurably. Also, $10 to the first person to find Inkay or Binacle. Ame, will we be able to obtain any of the Gen6 starters without resetting? Similar to the mudkip/bulbasaur/tepig events, perhaps? Don't want to spoil anything, of course, but, dat protean...
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