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  1. Paleontologist (resembles Ruin Maniac) Blanco Tyrantrum Aurorus Bastiodon Rampardos Lord Helix Omastar Aerodactyl
  2. You know what's hilarious? I try to use it on my opponents and it fails. My opponent uses it on me and it works all fine and dandy.
  3. Pretty major one if you start over the game: I somehow still have the item finder with me as Marianette as when I press shift, it says there is no response (please be aware THAT THIS IS THE FIRST SCREEN OF THE GAME). Also, I somehow managed to crash the game when I pressed S to run, but I haven't been able to replicate that.
  4. A minor thing about the light prophesy: It mentions four lights not born of man (no man of woman born anyone), and that they will break the establishment into layers of sand and that the strongest light will rule the land. In contrast, the four darknesses are specifically stated to be born of man and that they shall create a world in their likeness. Furthermore, it says that the balance between life and death shall be shattered... remind anyone of what happened this episode?
  5. Melia is not a normal type specialist. She is a shiny specialist. (I don't even think she has a normal type pokemon on her team)
  6. I've been thinking that since I first started playing rejuvenation.
  7. More on this glitch: If you use rain dance on this field, it changes, but it keeps the graphic. Furthermore, if it somehow returns to the volcano top field, it refuses to change again. Furthermore, there seems to be an interaction between mountain and Frozen field which is not documented in the field effects manual, where if you use blizzard on a mountain field, it becomes frozen. However, if amber uses a move which rids herself of that field, it becomes volcano top instead of a regular cave field.
  8. New glitch found: Volcanic top field does not change to mountain after blizzard is used on it.
  9. Minor thing that has nothing to do with gameplay:
  10. Discovered something new: Magma drift cannot be used in Carotos Mountain as a field move.
  11. According to the field effects file, the corrupted cave is supposed to poison pokemon at the end of the round, but this does not happen.
  12. Also, pokemon surviving poisoning throws a no method error. EDIT: Also, Jan, why are those Arceus statues in the grotto able to turn and talk to you, at this point it is probably on purpose.
  13. Me personally, I'm thinking of making If I were to make a fan game, it would be in line with either Eternal Darkness or have the Regis as the main legends (those poor guys are never the focus of anything)
  14. I have a suggestion for a fix: define the two Meowstic as different forms and have Espurr evolve into one of them based on gender. For a start, I would use Burmy and its evolutionary line as a base.
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